
Advice And Teen Support

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id never let my mum look through my phone and he won't ask me to run away with him. when i make him horny i do it very secretively...no one will notice.

All this secret secret secret, you will be able to keep it up forever. You're being way to optimistic. And have you realised he's most likely just using you? You're 11 years younger than him.. You like him too much, which is why you won't listen to other people. But, this has to stop. - Jake

So like would it be weird if I just texted him saying what are your classes??

If you just text him that randomly yeah. Ask him how his summer was first, like a normal conversation! Talk to him a load, BEFORE you ask him what his classes are! - Jake

Fuck sake I sent him 1 thinking it was ok:( I didn't know he was using me till I saw his girlfriends instagram:'(

Do you wanna talk to me privately on kik about this? Catman_Jake but yeah it sounds like he is using you just for pictures. You could always tell him to delete it, or you will show the chat to his girlfriend, where it shows him asking you for a pic? - Jake

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no one will find out though, how could they?

All it takes is for your mum to look through your phone and see the texts? Or he might ask you to run away with him, or other pupils might start to notice something, like you say.. you make him horny in lessons, people will start to notice, it can't be hidden for the next few years! - Jake

I don't know what else to do though. I haven't cut in I think over a month now but everything's just getting too much and I can't think of anything else, I play guitar usually to relax and escape, thats all that ever worked but it's just not working anymore

Do you have any hobbies? APART from guitar, such as sports. If you do, do these hobbies as they will make you feel good doing them, and you will feel good after. If not, go for a walk, look at the scenery and get some air, go for at least an hour! - Jake

Oh my dear lord. i am so sorry! I meant owen and pippa! i was just reading your questions and wrote jake instead, deepest apologies to whom concerned, please find the decency in you to forgive me, please? i love you all please find it in you?? please?

Relax, it's fine dude :P - Jake

it's a he, and like we've had sex together already. i know i shouldn't be seeing my teacher but i can't help it, he's so good looking! i like to make him horny in class and everything mmm...

You need to stop now. If anyone finds out, like I said. You will probably not see him ever again. And you will be humiliated in school. Your school life will basically be ruined. - Jake

There's this boy I really like who said he likes me, then I just went onto this girls instagram and seen pictures of him and her and her saying 'my perfect boy' and he's asking for pictures of me whilst clearly going out with this girl:'( what do I do?!?!:(

He is using you then. Confront him about these pictures, and DO NOT send him any pictures. At all. Make sure EVERYTHING is sorted with this girl before. - Jake

There's this guy in my grade and we talk in class and we have some inside jokes but like over the summer we don't talk at all and school is coming up and I wanna ask him what classes he has but since we don't rly text (he has my number) I feel like it would be weird to randomly text him??? Help

Just say to him, heyy sorry I haven't been able to talk, how have you been, had a good summer? Start off with general chat, and slowly get close again before school, texting him. then ask him what classes he is in! don't worry about it, it'll be fine. But make sure not just to text, 'Hey' That will be awkward - Jake

im seeing my teacher who's 25 and im 14, is that bad?

Seeing any teacher is bad. Worse. It's illegal. A teacher has a responsibility, and that is being broken by you doing that. If anyone finds out your teacher will lose his/her job and will be prosecuted, and may end up in prison. So it is very bad. - Jake

Where do people self harm which can't be seen like wrists and arms can?

Unfortunately I cannot answer this, as I suspect you are going to do it? If you need someone to talk to before you do it, im here on kik Catman_Jake - Jake

how could i get rid of my spots ?

Personally I find Clearsil is the best, and a lot of people I know finds this can help them, it is just a trial and error with different products to find the one that works for you okay? - Jake

mhm it was my ex boyfriends mate... he told me not to tell anyone

You need to tell people, parents or it will completely destroy you. Do you have any evideence that he done this? It will be hard to charge him if you do not.. But you need to tell people though. do you wanna talk about this privately on kik? Catman_Jake im here all night! - Jake

what does bb cream do?????

It is basically just an all-in-one facial cosmetic product to replace serum, moisturiser, primer, foundation and sunblock. - Jake

im 15 and i got raped 3 weeks ago. i haven't told anyone because im scared.... :(

Do you know who you got raped by? You need to tell your parents, as this is a serious crime, and it will ruin you if you keep it to yourself - Jake

do jake and pip still go out

Ahaha I wish :') Nah, Its Owen and Pippa that were and STILL ARE going out - Jake

But that's what I mean. They are not memories yet. It is still happening

Everything that is in the past, is a memory. Remember that. But you mean memories are repeating? Explain why they are? - Jake

i mean mens bb cream?

Oh, i did not recall there was a mens one? ahah I apologise! Well, put some on before you go out, and see if it is highly noticeable. And look in a mirror and ask yourself. do I look good? If yes, Then use it, if not, then don't! If you don't tell people it's on they won't know! - Jake

I'm still living all those 'bad memories' for they are not yet memories. But reality.

Exactly, you are living reality. Not your memories. So you need to do everything possible to remove those memories, by getting rid of those suicidal notes. So you can live in reality, not your memories. - Jake

I'm scared to get rid of them incase I need them one day soon..

If you get rid of them, you are much less likely to use them. Apart from them, their staring at you, constantly reminding you of bad memories - Jake

Part 2: When I said no he still pushed me to send photos....these were all different guys btw... I just...I can't bring myself to tell anyone with authority... One was 24...and i was 15...help... I'm scared if I tell anyone everyone will know I'm a slutty whore...

Do you want to talk to me privately? I can Guarantee you this will stay between us. If you have Kik, Mine is Catman_Jake - Im on there all night. We can talk more about this and I can understand what has happened and try to help you - Jake


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