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ages ago I sent a question about mes not being able to trust anyone anymore and you told me to trust otherwise I would never get anywhere. well I done that and my boyfriend lied to me..it was quite serious and he lied to me when I know the whole story!? What do I do? please help:(((xx

If he's going to lie to you, you need to question if being with him is the right thing. A relationship is built on trust, and its obviously hard for you to hurt anyway. You need to talk with him and have a proper talk, explain how he's made you feel, explain how you know he's lied, as him to explain why he lied, listen to him and make a point that he shouldn't of lied to you, tell him you don't know where this leaves your relationship and yeah just talk to him and see what happens, if you don't feel like you can trust him though, sadly you might have to end it if your not happy... But yeah talk to him and I wish you luck if you ever want to talk on Kik my names in the bio - Chloe x
Liked by: kayleigh smith

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i want to start a youtube channel but i am scared of people at school judging me and people online judging me too. im also worried im not funny or good enough

If it makes you happy who cares what others think, its not about them its about you. Don't tell anyone for the start, and just see how it goes. I'm sure you're good enough! And you'll never know unless you try right? If it makes you happy and its something you wanna do, just go for it, and like I said don't tell anyone to start off with and see how it goes, hood luck! - Chloe :) x

Chloe are you and Jake seeing each other or was it made up :)

No we aren't, it was all made up - Chloe :) x

I met a boy in a shop, and we have been talking for a while, we have never met before but are arranging to meet soon, what do you suggest we do/go? Also any tips on how to make sure it isn't awkward?

One key thing. Don't think, this is going to be awkward. If ya do think that it'll be awkward because your brain acts differently and in an awkward way! Go into town get some food and drag him shopping with you;) -Jake

Last question, should you use an electric shaver to shave your pubic hair

Its okay, don't worry :) and um.. Again personal choice really, maybe ask your mum what she thinks? Its what you would be more comfortable with to start off with, and what you think you might like better? Its all about testing and then in the future you'll know - Chloe x

When's the last time you had a panic attack Chloe and was it a real nbad on when was the last bad one you had

The last time I had a panic attack was the other day, it wasn't a bad, bad one um... The last really bad one I had was in school on my lunch break, that was a bad one - Chloe x

Ok I need an honest answer, I'm 15 and I'm a girl, and for a while I have been wondering something, should you shave your pubic hair? If so do you have any tips on how to do it properly? Hope you can answer

This is something that's completely your choice, it's everyone's personal decision what they prefer to do. Some people like shaving the area completely, some like just trimming, some people just like tidying it up and some just like leaving it completely. It's a complete personal choice, if you do decide to maybe trim or shave, or whatever you want here's something that might help:
This should help, it shows you different ways you can shave and tips, I hope this helped in some way, but remember completely personal choice - Chloe :) x

Can you help me I think that this guy likes me but not to sure. We went on this camp and we spent the whole time together and he was always saying cute stuff about me, and was always touching my legs and getting really close to me I have liked this guy for around a year do u think he likes me?thanks

I wouldn't say he doesn't! :) What you've described seems quite flirty so there's a good chance he might like you, and you like him so I would definitely say talk to him more, and see how it goes - Chloe :) x

What ar u up to? =)

Not much, lying on my bed while in pain with stomach ache haha, and watching TV you? - Chloe x :)

I clean my vagina regularly but I still get a fishy Oder smell? What should I do?

It could be discharge, it could be an infection or it could be completely normal, I would talk to a parent and then your GP if needed, discharge is completely normal and healthy, but sometimes you can get unhealthy discharge, this might help:
Just talk to a parent and your GP, and you should be okay, good luck - Chloe x

"Scars will fade, but never disappear." Seeing the red lines slowly turn to pink sucks tho, it makes me wanna relapse so badly...

Instead next time, they wont fade as much though -Jake

"I think some people are just born with tragedy in their blood."

Nice quote, i don't believe it though -Jake

is it weird for a 15 year old girl to date a 13 year old guy (need a serious opinion)

2 year difference is fine in most people's eyes. Any more difference some people don't agree with - Jake

Seeing my scars fade is one of the biggest triggers of my life...

If scars get bad enough, they don't fade.. - Jake

Would you guys be disappointed if I happened to relapse after almost 2 months of being clean from self harm? ...

We would all be disappointed if anyone relapsed after 2 months:( - Jake

I'm having bad pains and rashes around my vagina, I've never had sex and I'm in my period..is there something wrong? how's it caused?

Most likely it is just an infection, (Maybe due to not cleaning? Or these things do just happen) Get some antibiotics prescribed to you which should clear out the infection and hopefully sort it out - Jake


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