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Answered below - Jake


Sorry we couldn't get this answered in time, none of us know a suitable answer to this at the time it was asked -Jake

difference between friendly and flirty ?

Friendly is well.. not flirty? Hard to say really.. as being friendly is being kind and nice and caring, but flirty is more cheeky and more compliments and fantasys i guess? -Jake
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Everyday since I've been on my antidepressants I've wished I was dead, I've been so depressed since I've been taking them and they've made me so much worse than I was and it's affecting the people around me too. I just feel worthless

Tell your parents and your GP about this, as they shouldn't be making you worse! - Jake

I know my crush really likes me but how do I show him I like him back

Maybe start talking to him more? Flirting with him more?:)ask to meet up? - Jake

(Part 1) I kind of like this guy and heaps of people think he likes me back, but I'm not very close to him. He was bullied really bad I'm primary school so now he doesn't open up to anyone or trust anyone. I really want to get closer to him but it's really hard to because he doesn't trust me.

Answered below - Jake

(Part 2) I would do anything to hurt him but I don't know how to tell him that because were not super close. He's been smiling a lot more when I'm with him now and I try to talk to him as much as I can, but I find on messages he kind of ignores me. How can I get closer to him and help him trust me?

You can't do it quickly you know? But one thing you can do is show that you trust him! Start speaking to him a load, and maybe if you have any problems maybe talk to him? Showing you trust him:) maybe he will start to trust you back eh? - Jake

Theres this guy whos infamous for being shy & I've only spoken to him a couple times but idk y I always catch him staring at me??? And like when he sees I noticed he looks away all of a sudden. Or I'll notice him like smiling at me when he thinks I'm not looking and idk man... does he like me??

If someone is always staring at you and is known for being shy, so he won't talk to you its probably quite likely he likes you, go up and talk to hin or give him a message :) -Jake

My best friend gets approached by guys ALOT, she is perfect and every dude in our high school likes/liked her meanwhile boys don't even speak to me .__. I've caught some looking but never talk to me. I'm average looking compared to her, byw.

Caught some looking at you? Well maybe they're too nervous to talk to you! Why not talk to them first?:) - Jake

PART 1 so i had a few bad relationships with guys and now i changed attitude about boys. i don't trust anyone anymore and any guy that's nice to me i put my wall up. people have told me i intimate ppl so they dont talk to me:( my bff say i need to loosen up and i know i shouldnt be like this.

Answered below - Jake

PART 2 idk what t do, but the truth is im still hung up over my ex best guy friend.. he was so nice and caring then later he stopped talking to me, and now we dont even look at each other at school.later he built up this player image after he was bullied i like him and i cant ignore my feelngs

Your bff is true. Life is not perfect! But you have to deal with it eh? Theres no point isolating yourself as that won't help you at all! - Jake

I have no motivation to do my last assessments before I finish my course. they are due but I'm getting an extension ah so stressed and depressed rn

Just think about the future and once they're done they're over with:)) - Jake

A guy I know wished me happy birthday for my 15th birthday and then was like cant wait till you 16 cause your legal then (for sex) I told him that I don't want to do it with him but he keeps saying and now i have lost some of my friends cause they liked him but asked me it what should I do?

Tell him to stop... And if he Doesent then you need to tell an adult (mom, dad, professor, etc) because that's not okay... Especially if your losing friends..

So I'm a teen..and I might be pregnant. if I am, what should I do? please answer

Take a few tests and if they are positive go see a doctor.

What happens in a panic attack can you explain in detail please?

Adrenaline is released, causing your heart to beast faster, and your muscles to tense. We breathe in more oxygen, which our muscles use to turn sugar into energy (even though we don't need extra energy for anything), Blood is diverted to the muscles, making you pale and light headed. This also causes you to shake. Our digestive system shuts down, making your throat dry and making you feel sick. Your senses are heightened, you become more aware of sounds and smells around you (It's like someone turned up the volume, and in a busy place, it was loud enough anyway).
When adrenalin floods your body, it can cause a number of different physical and emotional sensations that may affect you during a panic attack. Panic attacks come on very quickly, symptoms usually peaking within 10 minutes. Most panic attacks last for between 5 and 20 minutes. Some people report attacks lasting for up to an hour, but they are likely to be experiencing one attack after another, or a high level of anxiety after the initial attack. My panic attacks normally last half an hour, or just under, depends.
If you have a panic disorder, this sounds silly, but you don't have to panic about anything to have a panic attack. It could be the smallest bit of anxiety, and then you could have one, or it could just come out of nowhere.
I don't know if this helps in anyway but yeah, in like medical fact this is what happens, I hope it helped in some way - Chloe :) x

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My crush told me he likes me but never did anything about it...and I texted him but he never replied :( but at school I catch him staring at me and flirting with me...does this mean he changed his mind or...?

There could be something wrong with his phone maybe? Try messaging him on something else, or talk to him in person be casual and just say hey :) If he's still flirting and staring at you, he probably still likes you - Chloe :) x

Idk how other girls get boyfriends soo fast? Im 16 & never had 1 before xD plus boys rarely talk to me haha but idk if they think im ugly or somethin?? guys weird :((

Everyone's different, just because you're 16 and never had a boyfriend doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean you're ugly or anything like that, boy's have probably liked you but not said anything. As long as you're happy with yourself and being single, it doesn't matter about anyone else. There will be a special boy that come's along, and you'll be happy you waited. Wait until a boy come's along that you really like it will mean a lot more, rather than go out with someone you don't really like, just because everyone else is. I agree guys are weird, and strange haha Remember though, as long as you're happy, it doesn't matter what everyone else is doing - Chloe :) x

to that anon: if a dude starea and they amile and stuff, its obvi that he's into u.

Thanks for your input -Jake

I was asking if guys really do that? If they like girls but don't tell em cause they feel as if they have no chance?

If its a shy type of person then yeah! They might never tell you:p -Jake

If a guy stares at you and his friends do too & when he sits next to you, they smile at him, those are obvious signs that the dude likes you?

I only listed a few signs:) -Jake

Lol so a dude could like a girl but never tell you cause he assumes she won't like him instead of talking to her ?

Huh? - Jake

I got told they take weeks to work?

Its a drug, it doesn't take weeks for the drugs to dissolve into the body. It'll probably take weeks for you to notice they're working (and all depends on the severeness of the depression too) - Jake


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