
Advice And Teen Support

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What kind of problems is Pippa facing with?

I won't go into detail, but there's various things, family troubles, personal problem etc.
I should be back around the 19th, 20th.

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Agh, right, so theres this bottle I like to masturbate with, and now my dicks trapped:/ the bottles glass, do I smash it?

Get some lotion and try to slip it out, if that does not work, get a straw and squeeze it in past your dick so you can blow into the bottle.
ℓυкι χσ Goodluck with that..
Liked by: top cunt

I feel sorry for the girl Hannah smith she's getting so much hate because she wrote her own hate now everyone's calling her so many names:( r.i.p

We all do <3 R.I.P Hannah Smith<3

im 14 and pregnant. i haven't told my boyfriend or my family because im scared...i don't know what to do.

Write a note to your family. explaining everything. And that you want to get this sorted as soon as. And by them getting angry, will only make things worse. Explain you're terrified, but you are sensible enough to know this will have to be sorted soon! - Jake

I know jake you don't judge you helped me before on kik but I just started to get abused by someone new, if I kik you, you will know who I am but I don't want anyone to know how I am

For you to get help and get things sorted, you will have to face your fears. and this is your first fear. I have to come off of this now, im so sorry. I will be on kik waiting for you. to HELP you for the next 10-15 mins or so. You know my kik, message me on thre, and you would have taken your first step, just remember what happened last time you messaged me on kik, Do you tell people about this new guy who's abusing you? - Jake
Liked by: top cunt

I don't want you to know who I am so I really want to talk on here! I told people about me getting abused but I didn't tell anyone that I got raped!

I have to come off here very soon, honestly.. I don't judge, whether I know you or not okay? If we talk on kik, we will be able to talk for longer tonight, and get things clear and taking the first steps to sorting things out.. Tonight, well this morning. I really don't judge, im only here to help! - Jake
Liked by: top cunt

ok jake well I am 15, I been raped by 2 people, I get abused by 3 people. I self harm, I get bullied, hate, and other things so please let me die

Firstly. I will not let you die. Message me on kik if you have it? Catman_Jake - Also, have you told people about all of this?!? - Jake
Liked by: top cunt

bye jake I got the pills

Stop saying bye.. and talk to me! If you wanted to do this. You wouldn't have come on here. You came on here to talk to someone, so please message me here or on kik? - Jake

im overdosing I got to go to do it im sorry jake I love you :'( <3

If you loved me enough, you would talk to me first wouldn't you? So please, talk to me - Jake <3

A few days later, my friend (who is a little creepy) accidently sent a topless picture of herself! After which he admitted to have been faking the whole thing! Since this inncident I havent felt hugely safe and feel as though he is till online under a new username! Any ways to forget about this?

Delete all traces you can of this guy, and speak with new guys! Meeting new people is the best thing to do.. Whether it's someone from school, or you can always message any of us including myself on kik! This is the way best to forget - Jake

:'( im sorry jake im leaving this world

No you aren't, talk to me or message me on kik Catman_Jake - If you truly wanted to, you wouldn't have spoken to anyone like me now would you? You're just scared and confused, message me on kik or tell me what's going on, on here - Jake

My friend is amazing, she stopped cutting because of things at home and I'm so proud of her:)

Aww that's great!! - Jake

oh:'( but i need someone to help me and you helped me alot on hhere pls help me

Sure, im available on kik if you have it? Just message me Catman_Jake - Jake

Luki are you male or female?

I'm a dude!(:
My names Luke, I thought that'd be a large hint(:
ℓυкι χσ

3 years ago i found out that my dad died when i was 3 years old and i had a step-brother. so 2 years ago i got in touch with my father family and non of them have bother wanting to get to know me but i really want to get to know then. What shall i do?

You just have to accept, that's the way things are.. FOR NOW!! As people grow up they will change, so likely in the future you will get to know them okay? - Jake

How can i tell if i like a guy, i'm confused

Well you'd just feel it that you do. You'd have something people call "butterflies in your stomach" whenever their near or think about them, they would also be on your mind loads and you'd find yourself talking about them a lot while you're with friends (Owen)
Liked by: Mariaaa♡☆


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