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My ex started sending <3, x's, nicknames to me again... What does this mean?( My ex is a girl)

This doesn't necessarily have to mean anything, some people just like to send them and to give others nicknames (Owen)

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hey, just here to say that if you or your followers ever need anything then we are here, we may only be young but we can help you. never be afraid to ask us anytime about anything! We will answer everything as best as we can. stay strong everyone we are here to help. ~ Soph, Alice, Sharaze xxx

ICanHelpUx’s Profile PhotoStay Strong
Liked by: Mariaaa♡☆

a guy told me that every day he likes me more and that he wants to be more than friends that I dont loose anything by giving him a chance But i really dont like him I dont wanna break his ♥ but I still have feelings for other guy andI dont find him attractive im not good expressing,what should i say

Let him down easy, just say "look, I don't like you in that way and I rather out friendship, it's not you it's me"..See how that works :p

ℓυкι χσ
Liked by: Mariaaa♡☆

me and my boyfriend had sex yesterday and now i can't walk that good like it really hurts, is there some way i could make the pain less hurtful?

I'm assuming its your first time?
Yeah, sometimes that happens, you'll be alright after a while..
ℓυкι χσ
Liked by: Mariaaa♡☆

Someone commented on my instagram photo "do you cut?x", what should i do

Just ignore it, or perhaps delete the comment and ask them personally through Pm.
ℓυкι χσ

Is there any really tall girls on here?! I'm 13 and 5'11 and none of my jeans fit me. I really need to know a store for tall girls so I can buy some jeans! Btw I can't buy offline and I don't have alot of money so expensive is not good. Thank you xx!

I'm 5'9 and tbh I just find the easiest thing to do is buy one size up and wear a belt. Although I think the best place for jeans is new look or h&m because they always seem to be a decent length anyway and they're not that expensive
Bryony x

Luki, do a line on other admins

Pippa- Sweet, nice really cool, she helped me get on the page so I owe her a lot & wish her luck with the problems she's dealing with at the moment.
Owen- He's a pretty chill guy, nice, friendly, funny, had my admin interviews with him, plus his favourite colours green I believe which makes him a legend!(: xD
Jake- A swerve dude, nice, had a few chats and he seems to know a lot about his 'TitWanking' xD JkNotJks(;
Tai- I would2(; -She's chill, we've only like talked once she's pretty attractive(:
Darylann-We've only talked once, but she's so nice..!(: and so good with advice..!(:
Bry- I've never talked to her before, she seems really nice and is really great at her advice!(: She should inbox me sometime soon(;...?
There all awesome people to know and I've loved getting to know em!(; xo
ℓυкι χσ

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Many of things like ; school gets hard ,the bullies, home , found out someone in my family had cancer and perople telling me I aint worth living stuff like this make me do it

Read my thing about bully six posts down, it's important(:
People live and die, it's life, we've just got to play our part and stay string <3
ℓυкι χσ

I like this girl ive liked her for a while i told her i do but nothin change we tlk normal but idk anymore i am chubby

That's good, she mustn't like you back sadly!
But keep trying, do things that may attract her try your best xo
ℓυкι χσ

Hey I have been self harming for a while now and I don't know what to do anymore should I give up

You should never give up<3
If you need to, Kik me LukeySBro ill try to help xo
ℓυкι χσ

I really don't wanna lose my bestfriend over a boy do you think I should just let them be happy or talk to her about it

Let them be happy (: Don't ruin your friendship.
There'll be tons of guys out there(:
ℓυкι χσ

I can't do sports I have back problems and you don't understand how scared I am last time I was bullied I harmed my self and tried to kill my self several times

Look, there's no way to stop bullying, it's a part of everyday life, you're either the bully or the bullied, it's part of being a teenager, it proves your inner strength and honestly, bullying isn't so etching you should worry about, it's a pathetic way of making one feel bad for the happiness and laughter of another, it's a silly joke played these days and honestly there's no way in stopping it, you have to be strong, show them there's no point to bullying you because your done, you're sick of it and you're ready for what they've got, life's like a game, you play a role, you live you die, be strong and never let them win, live your life, enjoy it, soak up your childhood as you will only have one, stay strong and show them who you are, you are you, and being you is pretty special <3
Try your best to fit in and I promise you, you'll find someone <3
ℓυкι χσ

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Liked by: GeOrGiA KiNg

Hey I seen someone of the other things and I am hoping you could help me on this right ; I really really like this boy but he is dating my best friend how do I deal with that

This is a hard one, boys come and go but best friends stay forever, perhaps wait until they aren't together anymore, don't risk your friendship for a whim.
ℓυкι χσ

I always try fit in but I have my own style and I don't like trying to be Luke everyone else I'm not very good at making friends I don't really talk to anyone I find it hard to socialize I'm very quiet and I'm really stupid and thick cos I have missed so much of school

Oh right..
Change? I know it's hard, talk around, get around, find someone in perhaps a class of yours, get yourself involved in extra curricular activity, try a few sports.
Your bound to find someone for you, there is someone for everyone <3
ℓυкι χσ

Hi I know we have asked you before but do you mind giving us a shout out because our ask is dead and both Raye and I would like to help people now so is there any way you can give us a shout out?

Keep up the great work xo
ℓυкι χσ

Yeah she knows that I am Bi but we have never really spoke about my feelings with her

She seems okay with it, just tell her, say "Look I know this might change things, but I really like you, like really like you and I know you don't like girls, but I needed to be true to you, I hope this doesn't change or ruin our friendship!".
Try that ^
ℓυкι χσ

I have to move school I was bullied at my school for Like 2 year and a half and it's only just stoped I'm scared it's gonna happen again I'm chubby I have a really big head I look Chinese even tho I ain't the bridge of my nose never grew so u have a flat face I don't like label myself but I'm emo

Just be yourself, wherever you go you're going to get bullied, it happens to everyone just try to fit in the best you can!(:
ℓυкι χσ

I'm 14 and a girl I'm confused I think I might be bi how do I know for sure I have never kissed a boy or a girl I stare at some girls boobs when I'm out and stuff I know I defiantly like guys

You might just be comparing yourself to them, do you find yourself sexually attracted to any girls you know?
ℓυкι χσ


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