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My brother started school yesterday and his teachers asked about me. I go to a different high school. The teacher said did I go to my school because of friends and my brother said no. Earlier I posted a pic of my schedule and asked if anyone had the same classes and I got no response to anyone.....

Answered below -Jake

I sent it along with this message: ...maybe it's true that I don't have any friends.

Ohh, noo sometimes i message people and i quite often get no reply, sometimes people just aren't in a talking mood. Like i send a broadcast message saying pop up and no one does even though i do have a fair amount of friends, so don't worry about it yeah?:) -Jake

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Hi guys! Our old account is deactivated so Wemade a new one! Can you guys help us by giving us a shout out or ask some people to check out our page too?! You guys inspired us to help teens out! Thanks!

Support For Teens Official
Sure:) - Jake

THIS IS MANNERS!!!!! I AM NOT POINTING A GUN TO HER HEAD AND SAYING: GIVE ME YOUR NUMBER OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!! i am simply saying if she wants to then let her.

Thats just being thugish by doing that:p I'll let her know ya want it - Jake

i dont have a kik. also i do have manners so i dont know what you are talking about.

"I want" request rather than demand, and well you'll have to see what she says, im not sure if she'll post it online for everyone to see - Jake

i want Jackies cellphone number

You have no chance of getting it with no manners, you'll have to kik her and ask her yourself - Jake

Part 1; I've been thinking about asking this for days. I need advice, well, here it go's. I've been friends with this person for a long time, let's call him Tim (not his real name) and i can't think anymore. I love him but he always puts himself first. His problems first.

Answered below - Jake

Part 2 But he feels like he can't talk to me even though he does? It's weird. He acts different sometimes and he gets really nasty. I feel like I need to move on, for being friends with him. I need to be around people who love me and support me. But it's soooo hard. I feel like this song-

Answered below -Jake

I feel like this song - "say something I'm giving up on you" . I can't handle this anymore. Theres so much more I just -ugh. How do I tell him? Thanks x (end)

Honestly, you shouldn't date your friends if you've been friends with them for ages, you don't wanna risk ruining the relationship eh!? He says he puts himself first, sometimes to help others... he needs to sort himself out, and maybe that is what he is doing? If you wanna ask him out, spend a day out with him, then ask him out that either or the evening after yeah? But remember you're risking your relationship - Jake

Advice on what to do when you've lied to an internet friend about your age?

Give it a few weeks, wait for them to forget, then when they bring it up, or you can.. just act ignorant and say it was a mistake.. like if they say, you're going to be 18 soon, you can say.. im only (whatever your age is) and they'll be like you said you were 17, then just say, did i!? My bad im only 16 ahah:') - Jake

hey i got a cold sore, how do i get rid of it?

I believe you can get a cream from most pharmacys or supermarkets that can help them -Jake

What does it mean if someone's up at 5am walking around their bedroom?

Could mean anything. They can't sleep? They're sleep walking, they just had a nightmare so they're trying to calm down, could be anything! -Jake

I'm under a lot of stress because of school. I cry but I think it's normal? I put a lot of pressure on myself and idk how not to

In school, set yourself goals. Not stupid goals which are too easy or are impossible, set them high enough so they're a challenge but not too high that they can't be achieved. This will ease the pressure and you'll be proud when you hit these targets -Jake

Before summer a girl approached me and told me she wanted to be lesbian with me I felt awkward on the spot and left now school starts soon I will see her again and I've though of it all summer and I want her but I don't want people to find out I might be in to girls too what should I do?

Well tell her how ya feel now, and say that you don't want anyone else to find out then! If you ask her she won't tell people, even if she does then you can just deny it! - Jake


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