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P- I have no friends and my family hates me I am a mistake to them

I doubt that! You do have friends, but you may not realize it. You might think your family hates you, and they might portray it that way. But they love you and always will!

p - why should i talk to you? nobody cares... what can you do?

I care. That's why and I can try and suggest things, talk you out of things etc.. I'll do whatever I can to make sure you're safe.
Liked by: Irma D. Rosa V.

P- I don't wanna live anymore cause I feel worthless and no one cares about me I should just burn in hell I dot deserve life according to everyone and no one would care if I died...

Everyone are wrong. You deserve life just as much as the people saying it. You're not worthless, you're priceless. I care about you. Your friends care about you. Your family care about you. Please do not give up!

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p-forget it, im giving up. you dont really want to help.

I do! Talk to me, I won't let you give up!

I haven't cut in 2 months and I wanna cut right now I can't take life anymore it's killing me I just wanna end it all already no one would notice or care

I would care, why do you not want to live no more honey?

Owen in getting abused by my exes and I'm getting bullied and hate for being suicidal and emo and the only people that talk to me are people that know I'm emo and suicidal and don't want me to end It and thats only 2 people I can't take it anymore I wanna cut and it's been 70 days since I cut

Well in every persons quitting stage as a self harmer there are some speed bumps/road blocks or obstacles to overcome. And it's simple block them from talking to you. But don't give up on being 70 days clean. I'm proud of you for that keep going! (Owen)

p - i didnt mean for it to come across as sarcasm... nevermind, forget it, nobody cares about me anymore or the fact i self harm and want to die... might as well

I do care, I just didn't like how you said it. Why do you want to die and why do you self harm sweet?

Owen- (different person) I saw someone attempt suicide.. well I stopped them and I've lost 2 of my friends to suicide.. I still have suicidal thoughts:(

I'm sorry to hear that but you must try and not let these thoughts take over you, I trust you have a lot of people that depend on you? Just think about how your friends and family would feel if they did lose you to suicide and what would the person that you stopped from committing feel if they lost you too? (Owen)

p - awww you feelings jealous and left out. but i do have a question... this is really hard for me to say..... but i self harm..... and ... i have.. had.. suicidal.. thoughts... there i said it

Feeling jealous and left out? No. It's not fair on Owen to take on 2 suicidal people. And I don't like your sarcasm.

Owen - I can't. Self harm as suicide are my only things left... I'm done:( sorry i cnttalk privately either.:(. Goodbye <3. Your a amazing siteee:)

Self harm and suicide are not the only options you have! And if you mean goodbye as in you're about to go and commit suicide then stop right there a goddamn moment! I will not give up on you and I have never lost anybody to suicide yet! Stay here and talk to me and I will help you (Owen)

I'm kinda worried to meet them.. I don't know whether their being genuine..

I imagine you're worried, honestly I would be too.
If I were yo, I'd go this once and if they're not. Don't go again, ignore them.
If they genuine, then good :)

Owen - because of family 'friends' bullying haters school people teachers. Evrything and anything I do is wrong. No matter what I'm useless. I just feel like wanting to end my life is my way out. My self harms got worse:(

Ignore the haters and bully's okay? The only reason that they hate or bully you is purely based on jealousy or that they want to try and get a reaction out of you. You must never give them that reaction that they're looking for it'll make things a lot worse for you. Never ever feel like that you are useless either, nobody is useless, and nobody will ever be useless you must tell yourself that! And suicide is never an option or a way out. There are so many key factors in life that you are yet to experience and suicide is definitely a no go area! If you would like to talk to me privately just look on this link --> http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/53723125734 (Owen)

I am with this boy but i still like my ex what should i do?

Break up with your boyfriend, it's not fair on him. At all!

two girls who bullied me during school have started talking to me and have asked me to hang out.. is it a trap?:/

Well it may or may not be, forgive but never forget is what I say. If you want to go with them, go. But be careful.

Is there anything wrong with a 16/17 yr old going out with a 20/21 year old?

Personally speaking. I don't think so. You can date whoever you like but you must understand you may get a lot of criticism about this too (Owen)

Her age shes too young for you

Well if I'm being totally honest with you. I don't look at Pippa and see the age difference. To a degree "I'm blinded by love". But if I'm also totally honest. Whether I'm going out with Pippa or not it's has absolutely nothing to do with you. None of your business. I'm not gonna stand here, argue with you, call you names or anything like that (like i see a lot of the advice pages doing nowadays) I'm just going to say two things to you. 1) If you have a problem with the face me and Pippa are together, so what? I'm not gonna end our 10 month relationship because of you thinking that she's "too young for me"
2) Whatever you say to me doesn't actually affect me, but I must assure you if you write back at me criticising me and my relationship. I will not hesitate in blocking you. I may not like what you say but I'm happy you have the right to say it. But I can easily block you via your next response. (Owen)

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I constantly feel like I'm useless. Feeling like I want too end my life:(

What's leading you to think like this love? But you should never want to end your life off of feeling like this. Life is precious you see and nothing or nobody should take something so precious away from us. Talk to me about this and I'll try my best to help you (Owen)

Just because I've never had a proper boyfriend and if ever do, I hope we would have what you two have...

There's somebody perfect out there for everyone duck :) Don't worry (Owen)

Owen can u answer my q about feeling worthless:(

There's nothing about worthless. There's something about useless if that's what you mean? (Owen)


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