
Advice And Teen Support

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thank you'xx and i use pads xx

Pleasure. And have you ever tried using a tampon? Pads are more awkward. ahah xxx

Part 2

Advice And Teen Support
Tribadism is a common non-penetrative sexual act between women.[7][8][9][10] The practice is often known by its "scissoring" position, and is also referred to as frottage or in popular slang as dry humping. It involves a woman rubbing her vulva against her partner's vulva, thigh, stomach, buttocks, arm, or another body part, or the partner doing the rubbing.[11] This may be achieved in a number of sex positions, including a missionary, a woman on top, doggy style, scissoring or other position.[12][13] It may be accompanied by fingering or penetration with a dildo.[7][10][14]
Fingering involves the use of the fingers to massage a woman's vulva, clitoris, vagina or anus. Massage of the vulva, and in particular the clitoris, is the most common way for a woman to reach and achieve an orgasm. Fingering may be self-fingering, one-sided, mutual, penetrative or non-penetrative. It can be performed in most positions, and massaging inside the vagina may stimulate a woman's G-Spot, which may lead to female ejaculation. For some women, stimulating the G-Spot area creates a more intense orgasm than direct clitoral stimulation.[15] For deeper vaginal, anal or oral penetration, a dildo, strap-on dildo or other sex toys may be used.
On occasion, for variety, or on a more regular or routine basis, a partner may assume a passive role during a sexual activity and leave it to their partner to provide their sexual satisfaction. For example, a partner in a doggy style position is passive and open to a variety of sex acts, generally at the choice of the active partner, such as fingering from behind, massage or stimulation of erogenous zones, such as the genitals, nipples, and buttocks, and receiving an playful spank to the buttocks.[16] The active partner can also introduce a sex toy, such as a dildo or vibrator, into the vagina or anus. To ensure passivity and to enhance the feeling of or actual submission, a partner may also take part in bondage or in other BDSM activities.[7][17] During sexual bondage, the restrained partner is generally open to a variety of sex acts and cannot interfere in the ensuing sexual activity. She is dependent for her sexual satisfaction on the actions of her partner, who can choose the type and pace of the sexual activity and can introduce sex toys. For example, a pecker gag can be used to gag the restrained partner as well as to require her to suck during sexual activity in a similar manner to an adult pacifier. The active partner has the role of treating the restrained partner as a sex object to be used for her own sexual satisfaction. In fact the active partner may herself derive sexual satisfaction from providing her sex partner with sexual satisfaction and bringing her to orgasm.
Orgasm in women is often associated with other involuntary actions, including muscular spasms in multiple areas of the body, a general euphoric sensation and, frequently, body movements and vocalizations. The period after orgasm (known as a refractory perio

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theres this guy on instagram i really like hes really fit and famous and i really want him to notice me, everyone else comments hot on his pics what compliment shall i give him so he notices me? please help :(

Could say something about a feature, like "Your eyes are beautiful" or "Your smile is perfect." x

hi, my panic attacks get really bad and theres only one person who can calm me down but they dont want to anymore so :((

You need to find a way to calm yourself down, it'll be tough to find out how but using certain web pages on the internet (wiki or yahoo answers) you could find ways to calm yourself down (Owen)

my boyfriend has been on holiday for the past week,any ideas of what we can do together out and about just the two of us(we are 14 btw) i just want to show him how much ive missed him,hes my best friend and boyfriend all in one and he protects me like an older brother,suggestions?:-)

http://voices.yahoo.com/top-10-gift-ideas-boyfriend-11931560.html - these should help. Personally, I would spend the whole day with Owen and just watch a film with loads of food and cuddle x

I want to stay at my best friends house next weekend (I'm a girl, he's a guy) But my Mom doesn't trust me, at all. She caught me doing sexual things with another guy, and she thinks I'll do it with him. How do I make her trust me? I'm 14 btw.

Well trust is a hard thing to build up once it's broken but if she wont let you because she doesn't trust you then you can't do anything really about it. Just make sure she knows what you and your friend are like together (Owen)

Im a gay girl i am hopeless at sex :-( my phone doesnt work with links so can you give me a para on how to have sex with my gf in detailed please

It is common for women to engage in displays of affection, such as kissing on the cheek or hugging. However, such acts of intimacy are generally regarded as forms of greeting and not regarded as sexual, not being intended to generate erotic sensations or sexual excitement. A kiss on the lips or a prolonged kiss or hug or other forms of touching may be regarded as sexual.
Stripping before a partner or removing the clothing of a partner or performing acts of physical intimacy, such as the touching of a partner's erogenous zones by the use of the tongue or rest of the mouth, or hands, may be regarded as indicators of the partner's desire for sexual activity and be an erotic stimuli or turn-on, which generates erotic sensations or sexual excitement in both partners. Allowing such acts of physical intimacy, especially the stimulation of a partner's breasts and nipples, is an indication of either reciprocal interest in a sexual activity or, if unwelcome, of submission. It is the general practice to begin sexual activity with a kiss on the lips, which is usually associated with an indication of emotional attachment. The failure or refusal to give or accept a kiss is commonly taken as an indicator of desire to avoid an emotional attachment, and to dispel such an implication may require an explanation, such as the person having a contagious disease such as a cold.
A woman's mouth, lips and tongue are sensitive erogenous zones which are very commonly used by both partners during the preliminary stages and throughout a sexual activity. They are used for kissing, sucking, and licking besides other acts. The stimulation of a partner's breasts is very common as a form of foreplay and throughout a sexual activity. The oral or manual stimulation of nipples is commonly performed on women by a partner, either for itself or as part of other sexual activity. Breast and nipple stimulation of women is a near-universal aspect of sexual activity where the woman is the recipient of sexual attention.[2] The stimulation of a woman's nipples promotes the production and release of oxytocin and prolactin.[3] During the stimulation of the nipples, large amounts of oxytocin are released, which would normally prepare the breast for breastfeeding. Besides creating maternal feelings in a woman, it also decreases her anxiety and increases bonding and trust.[4][5]
Oral stimulation of the vulva, clitoris, vagina or anus is commonly practiced between women and, like oral stimulation of the nipples, can include the use of teeth in addition to use of the lips or tongue. Oral sex that involves the stimulation of the woman's vulva, clitoris or vagina is called cunnilingus. The oral stimulation of the anus, called anilingus, is more rarely practiced.[6]
I don't have room to do to the rest so ill post it as another question
Bry x

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this weekend im going camping for one night with my dad, brother and my dad and brothers mates, also the boy i like. But i am gonna be on my period and i donno what to do?, my mum died so i dont really have anyone to speak to? and i dont know if there are any toilets or anything there- answer- asap

I'm sorry about your mum sweetie. xx
There will more than likely be toilets and so on, do you use tampons or pads? x

im a girl and both of my best friends are boys we all went to a party last night and one of them came onto me. the other saw and they had a fight. one of them ened up in hospital they are both telling me i shouldnt see the other idk what to do?

Tell them both that the other one is your friend and you dont want to loose either of them<3
Liked by: abby.

My friend just told me shes worried about me because i cut, i once cut my arm so badly and then it scared. She said it looks like my arm was used as a knife sharpener. I don't mean to be like that but i feel sad. I feel sad all the time. :(

Your friend is saying it because she cares about you, have you tried stopping completely? Have you also seen a Doctor about this as it could be depression? I suggest seeing a doctor sweet x

theres this boy i really like. me, him and some of our friends went to the cinema together. but we never really get to be alone. as his best friend is living with him over the summer cus his parents are away. idk how i can spend time with him one our own?

ask him out, just the two of you, say you just wanna hang out, if he brings his mate, you bring a mate that his mate might like, so it could be like a double date <3

Bryony- actualy I was raped ok? I felt it was my fault yeah thanks rant at me just like my mum did feeling a lot better

I'm not ranting at you, you asked my opinion of it and I told you. I'm sorry that you were raped and why do you feel it was your fault hun? You need to tell the police about it because it was in no way your fault and the person who did it deserves to be punished.
Bryony x

Had enough of fighting. I don't know what to do:( my boyfriends ignoring me he's more interested in smoking weed and getting pissed help:(

he's not worth it then baby <3 <3

im 17 and i started puberty when i was about 13-14. but my penis is only 4inches when hard, is that small?=/

I dunno about small but It's below the average size (Owen)

Opinion on rape? Cause well it will sound worse then it is so dw aha

It sounds worse than it is? One of my best friends was raped by her (now ex) boyfriend and she told me it was terrifying and that he covered her mouth to stop the screams and she couldn't breathe and she ended up unconscious. Rape is not something to be taken lightly, it's disgusting and disgraceful that somebody could do that to another person, actually force them to have sex with them, it sickens me and the fact that it sometimes goes unpunished is awful. Nobody should have to go through something like that, that can not only cause them physical harm but can mentally harm them forever. It disgusts me.

Which part of the vagina is the clit?

"The Vagina is just the hole. the outer parts are called the vulva. That includes the inner and outer lips. The clitoris is at where the inner lips come together at the top. It's a little bump that you can feel more easily than see."

yeah thats what ive been doing but its really hard not to look at her

I imagine, just push yourself that little harder at the gym?

im a girl and i go to a gym and one of the trainers who owns the gym is really nice i think i might have a crush on her but she is married with 2 kids whenever i see her i kinda go shy and i think i blush and im only a teenager and shes like 30 something but shes really cute so what can i do?

Only can admire from a far sweetie, she's got kids and if you told her how you felt, you both might feel a little awkward after.. I suggest just leaving it.

i know you got lots of questions but can you answer mine please i dont care who answers it

What question is it honey?

i won't be allowed because there's other family's there! but pippa i want to be there for her!

Tell her that the, surely you could go?


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