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Jake and Chloe just ignore the anon your better than them :))) and I know your not dating but it would be cute you both are very good looking I ship you both but yeah I know your both not dating and yeah take care both of you <3

Nawh ahaha! -Jake

Do you know what trolls are... Little green monsters that are stupid and... And lazy... And... Um... Sorry guys that's all I have :D

Urrrm okay?? -Jake

Jake was that anon being serious do you actually think Chloe's ugly and it doesn't matter who sees this its okay be honest?

Chloe is pretty - Jake

Who's giving you hate? :( to the hater ~ Leave! Now! These guys are helping people -.- and what are you doing, being a silly little troll. Get off the internet. Now!


Lol did he realise your to ugly to go out with is that why u aren't together that's SO FUNNY !!!!!! Rejection hurts like a mother focker yeah chloe LOL just saying it is funny Jake babe well done on the escape and stop sticking up for them Pippa

Honestly, I'm creasing.
You really think this bothers any of us?
You have an ugly personality & heart for being rude.
So now leave :)
Stop sticking up for them?
Nah, you're alright.
By the way, you spelt *your* wrong. It's supposed to be *you're*
Bye honey boo, don't bother coming back :)
Ps. I made the main agreement as to who was actually an admin, being the owner and all. So honey, bring it.

I'm going to leave now guys lol dramas over just remember Chloe if Jake is your boyfriend he doesn't really care about you and your not pretty if he isn't your boyfriend and your telling the truth then that's okay isn't it but I'm going now so bye guys xxxxxx

K bbz xoxoxo - Jake

I'm so confused as to what is happening...

I'm trying to stay out of it... It's a argument between a jealous person who didn't get the admin spot and the girl who did get the spot... It's intense
-Jackie <3

Nope! Your so pretty! Please one more! X

haha thank you :) I cant post one now, I've just come out of the bath haha but I'll do one tomorrow - Chloe x

Sometimes I think I should just go up to her and take her to a cubicle and kiss her

Nooo never in th cubicle, unless you two are veryy drunk!! -Jake

So cute that your dumb boyfriend has to answer your questions for you it really is cute and how the fock would you look like a fool Jake :\ I would have been so good a lot better then that slag

Oh anon, you do make me giggle.
A: please shut your pathetic mouth.
B. She's not a slag, so please get your facts right.
C. You would have been good? Oh sweetheart. I'm extremely glad we chose Chloe then, because you know what? You're a very ignorant, selfish person who disrespects others because you didn't get chosen.
Now, if you want to start an argument, then feel free honey. I'm always ready :)
But do not, I repeat, do NOT insult or disrespect my admins.
Thank you very much wonderful.
Liked by: Jackie

Wales is amazing ive always wanted to live there ♥

awww :) Yeah it is lovely here, it's got it's bad points like anywhere else... but all in all it's a lovely place - Chloe :) x

Chloe do you have a strong welsh accent cause you're pretty and welsh accent is hot for a girl too haha

Well people say I have a fairly strong welsh accent, I dunno though, I don't think it's that strong, but it might be? might not be? who knows? hahah thank you - Chloe :) x

PART ONE these hate questions are really irritating me. THIS IS AN ADVICE PAGE - people that do this in their free time, in that time they could be out with some friends, having the time of their lives but they stayed in to help us, they don't get paid for saving some peoples lives ,

:)))))) - Jake

PART TWO yet they don't even get a thank you!? they just get hated on! They deserve everything good to come their way, not hate, its disgusting. thank you guys, I couldn't thank you enough for what you have saved me from doing, you are all truly the best <3 I love you guys!x

I love you too!:) -Jake

Lol I can ask whatever I want dont matter if its childish :\ and my opinion matters like I think your very ugly and ur a little slag just thought I'd let you no the truth and why couldn't you just say one horrible thing! Is he ur boyfriend that why u didn't? Is that why he picked u

I didn't pick you because if i picked you out if my decision, and you act like this how you are now, i would look like a complete fool.. - Jake


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