
Advice And Teen Support

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right basically i fancy this girl right but she fancies this boy and me and this girl are close! i really want to ask her out but i know she'll say no? what should i do?

Just tell your feelings towards her. but don't ask her out. she should understand! - Jake

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is it normal for my penis to curve to the left?

Yes, it is normal.. but not extremely common - Jake

I'm not meeting up with him well earlier I was going to the park with my friend and we often bump into him there when we see him we leave and go else where

That sounds good. if he does things again. threaten to call the police on him - Jake

I told him to stop but as I said in quite scared of him and I just can't say anything to him plus he is polish so can't understand much of what he says I can't tell anyone it happened before with the guys friend I told my close friends and family no one believed me I kept saying but I was ignored

Tell him.. you're scared of him. he will instantly stop then. say it clearly so he understands! - Jake

Hi I'm 13 and this guy asked me to have sex I do know him in real life he is 13 as well he acts about 18 doing drugs and smoking and stuff I said no but he always slaps my bum and touches me and tried fingering me what do I say to him (in scared of him) plz answer asap might see him in park in 10

just tell him no. and tell him that you're forcing me to do stuff I don't want too! and that I don't want to.. or say.. you're scaring me! - Jake

is it normal for a man to put his finger up his anus when masturbating for a better orgasm?

Whatever you feel is best.. then go ahead and do it. make sure to wash your hands though! - Jake

Is it okay for a guy to compliment a guy on his looks without having to be gay? :3

Yeah.. I do it all the time! I think owen is sexy ;) - Jake

It is off and hid under loads of covers and things I'm so scared its not the hacking thing it got hacked and it said I'd being watching illegal things and I hadn't it took my pic and shit so I went the police station and he said it was for the money I'm still scared shitless though -pippa

AH! One of those scams? Hmm. You shouldn't be scared, you just need to be careful what you go on.

Is Darylann ever on here? :o

She is, but she has things going on atm. We all have our own separate lives and have to find the time to come on.

Did you see that thing on the page about the laptop? That happened I'm really freaking out about it, I think I had a panic attack the other day and I freak out at night and can't sleep -pippa

Ah, the person Owen tried to help? I've seen the advert and stuff about it, honestly sweetie it's fine. There's only major hackers that can do that and even then sweetie, they get found out by the police. Turn your laptop off or put it at the end of your bedroom at night. Even put it in a cupboard if you can't sleep.

Pippa, what can i tlk to someone i like about

You can talk about hobbies, likes, dis-likes, future jobs, things you like in a person?

If I went the doctors about my anger and paranoia what would they do? P

Most likely give you advice on how to deal with it.. or point you towards a councillor to help deal with it - Jake

How do you snog someone? Does it just come naturally

Thats exactly it! Just think what you should do.. like how they do in films etc. and you pick it up instsntly what to do! - Jake


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