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So what should i do with my girlfriend? Do i stop talking to the girls or something?

No you should be allowed to have friends of the opposite sex, if she tries to get you to stop completely stand your grounds against her. Don't let her try and control your life (Owen)

Well pippa Obviously its there choice. But i don't want them coming back because they are cutting because of bullying due to the sex at 13

I know. that's exactly why I'm here. All I can do is advise them not to.

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Ok pippa. Im just saving that person from being called a slut and whore. Because it will happen. And if you thirteen whos gonna take you to the doc if you get an std? Whos gonna help if you get hurt?

I know, I know. I do understand, but there's nothing I can do. I did suggest to them not to do it, but it's their choice at the end of the day, isn't it?

Who or what does she get jealous over? My girlfriend does it because i talk to loads of girls, but she knows how much i love her and i wouldn't hurt her for anything

Anything and everything. She got jealous because I was paying more attention to a dog than her (Owen)

Hey, I'm a 13 year old girl. And I'm really looking to lose my V card. But, I'm scared my parents will find out and people too. But, I really wanna lose it. Please help!

Are you sure you're ready? I'd personally wait, I mean I'm 14. I'm not even ready yet, you'd need to deal with the mental and physical effects. But if you're sure you're ready then find a boyfriend first to make it believable. People shouldn't find out as long as you both promise to keep it a secret.

I got it for Christmas so around December, and I do t want another one :( the thought of having it is freaking me out I can't sleep because of it

Just explain all this to your nan duck I'm sure she'll understand (Owen)

My girlfriend gets so jealous of me talking to other girls, i dunno why though?

Well I know how you're feeling but a high majority of girls get jealous through anything. I've experienced it with Pippa loads but it's just because they care about you and they don't want you to leave them for another girl. It's nothing bad (although it gets irritating) (Owen)

I was thinking of committing suicide yesterday because I'm worthless and no one likes me. What should I do? (I'm 14 by the way)

You're perfect the way you are. People love you to pieces, they might just not show it. Yo're not worthless, you're priceless. You're unique which therefore makes you perfect. It's not worth it honey.

I was going too I feel really bad though about it she paid loads for it

Well (depending on the age and condition) you could get the money back for it ad get a different laptop (Owen)

Because its being hacked twice now, and my mum said she seen somewhere these men hacked a girls laptop and was watching here through her webcam and could hear what was going on, I'm really paranoid and I can't sleep knowing my laptops in my room I'm just dead scared

Hmm well I'd speak to your nan about what's happening before you think about selling it just to see whether she would be okay with it (Owen)

I not want to upset her, but my mum scared me and I really don't want the laptop any more :( it's not i don't like it I do but blehh idk

Why dont you want the laptop anymore? (Owen)
Liked by: megan hobbs

Is it wrong for wanting to sell a laptop my nan bought me for Christmas? I love it but I'm scared of it :(

Well it depends really, you're nan wouldn't appreciate that you're selling something that she bought you but honestly it's your possession you can do with it whatever you please (Owen)

I'm 15, Zoey was 16. I've always seen spirits, whether they were good or bad or scary. My parents and everyone else think I'm messed up.

I don't,at all! You could go to the spiritualist church, see what they say?
Liked by: Maddie Ingram

Pippa, she did always used to say she'd be coming back, but I didn't believe her. She was the only one I told about the spirits because everyone else would think I was crazy. I cant go anywhere because my parents don't believe in spirits. :/

How old are you? I understand what you mean, now you believe her! Keep reminding her how much you miss her. x

My friend recently passed after fighting AML leukemia for 5yrs. Im 15, and I keep seeing Zoeys ghost. She always tells me she's fine but she misses family and friends. Nobody else can see her, tho ive always been sensitive to spirits. Is there anything wrong with me? The spirits mostly comfort me.

There's nothing wrong with you at all, you miss her. Have you ever been to a spiritualist church? R.I.P to her by the way. Remember some ghosts have "unfinished business". Maybe she has that?

hey! so this is gonna sound silly...but I really love 1D. Normally that would make people happy, right? But with me, I feel this sadness because they'll never know I exist but I love them...the more research I do about them, the more obsessed I become, the sadder it makes me feel. Can you relate? xx

In some way yes,I'm a Directioner and I love them to pieces!<3
But I feel upset because I know they'll never know I even exist. They don't know my name or anything about me:(.
But think if you love them that much, imagine how happy they are with their lives right now. Stop researching them so much, okay?xxx

Hi I know it's not the simplest of questions, but I'm 15, transgender (not out to anyone) and I'm getting really desperate for a hysterectomy, to the point where I hurt myself over it :/ is there any way I could get one asap without people finding out I'm trans? Idk how to ask my parents :S

Not if you're 15 because you're still classed as a minor. But as soon as you're 16 you wont need your parents present for you to do anything with the medical side. (Owen)


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