
Advice And Teen Support

Ask @Teensupport365

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Y do u only want a male admin?? Dat is sexist >:|

Firstly, if you wanted to be an admin.. you need to speak proper english.. secondly, because we only cirrently have 1 male admin. and we have 3 active female admins. - Jake

I don't know what's wrong with me. Over the past 3 years, I have been first anorexic, then bulimic, and then I was a binge eater. I've self harmed in almost every imaginable way and I've attempted to kill myself twice. I'm finally getting over all this, but I don't know how to forget it all... help?

unfortunately you cant just forget things like that! what you have to do is say.. right, im a better person than I was back then, and I will never go back to how I was - Jake

This boy likes me but I dont like him back, hes a great guy and a great friend to me and he told me he really likes me ( in that way) but i dont like him back and I feel so bad?

Best thing to do.. is to say, I dont wanna ruin our friendship by going out and things possibly going wrong. I dont wanna risk that - Jake

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yeah the part 3 one is mine :(

I'm not sure how to answer that one sweetie, that's why I left it for someone else. x

Yeah I suppose I sort of told her, while making a complete fool of my self, doesn't really look good :c

It'll be fine honey

messed around by people. So basically...I took it the wrong way and made a d*ck of myself :/ Urgh

Atleast you basically told her you liked her?

pippa im 13 and never had a gf what should i do

That's fine sweetie, just save yourself for a lucky girl. Try and find one or wait for someone to come to you?

Stab the bitch. lefes too short to run and tell other people take your own life into your own hands.

K bro, haha

Hmmm okay so here I go I guess? Soo..... When I was a little gal, I was molested.. I actually have come over it... but sometimes I still remember the incident.. Any advice to help forget?

Unfortunalty things like that you'll never be able to forget, as hard as it is but sadly there's nothing you can do <3 but you're strong baby<3

She replied :3 ''I duno, I cba to explain:( my hands are hurting:Lxxxx'' Idk what to say aha :3 I'm useless n shy omg. What should I say to her?

I would honestly say, "Aw, poor you ;) can you tell me tomorrow then? I'm curious, haha xxxx"


Language: English