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4) of interest in me! Asked me questions about my self, got me to ask him wuestions. Such as 'how far have you been with a boy' an stuff. He really use many kises tho because hes not like that i know this cos of his friends haha, however he used loads of ;) and :) and stuff and kept starting the

awh, sounds like he likes you aswell. follow your heart
Liked by: Adviceforteens

3) it looked like his typing most of the time! Then after i refused to say on askfm the boy continued out convo and said 'i saw your ask fm' aswell as the x's and <3. Then asked me who i fancy. But the awkward thing is, one of his best mates chatted me on fb at the sam time as him and showed alot

ah follow your heart~Darylann
Liked by: Adviceforteens

2)I fancy and i didnt want to say. He said like 3 times he wont tell anyone and he promised me and everything so i told him it was him and he said he likes me too! But idk if hes telling the truth or not. Before he aske me i got looooads of questions about who i fancy on askfm before he asked me and

If he didnt like you, he would of been honest, him asking questions he's trying to get to know you
Liked by: Adviceforteens

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(1)This boy always starts the convo first,we always have like atleast 3 convos a day. Does this mean he likes me? We have only known eachother for like 2 or 3 weeks and gradually the kisses have gone from 4 to 30 something, he also started using a heart at the end of all the kisses. He asked who

By sounds of things yes he does like you, and it sounds like you like hhim?
Liked by: Adviceforteens

wondering if you could share this please?;we are doing an ask the admin which gives people the chance to ask us all anything they want to know we are running this for a week so if you want to know anything feel free to ask<33

Here To Help♥
^^ xxx

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/55938479590 Idk, I feel as if she's ignoring me either because she has nothing to say, or that I'm just annoying her. I don't want to ask if I'm annoying because she might just try to be polite and say no :3

You need to make the conversation better then, get a topic that you'll both like :). Most girls would say no, maybe she likes talking to you when you actually have something to talk about? Girls get bored easy.

Pippa - it's me. I didn't cut I promise. Just cried all night:'( xxx

Good girl&me too, I wish I could talk to you properly xxxx

Pippa, when is a good time to tell a girl that she's beautiful? Please don't say anytime because I don't think ''Hey I have a new puppy, and you're beautiful'' will work =P Aha xo

This made me laugh a lot. :D
Honestly, it depends. If it's in person, you have to wait for the right atmosphere.
If in text, say something like "I need to tell you something.."
She'll probably say "what?"
Then "You're so beautiful."
When I tell Owen he's gorgeous, I always use a full stop at the end for more effect. :)
Good luck&hope this helps?

If a boy gives you more than 2 kisses what does that mean are they just being friendly? xx

yeah.. they're just being friendly. its only when they send a huge amount of heart's or kisses it may mean something - - Jake

what can i do to loose weight then?

by going on a diet! this involves replacing unhealthy fatty meals and snacks with healthier foods. also by exercising such as running to burn off any fat - Jake

i hardly eat anything but some reason never loose any weight but gain it so easy and its so annoying because all my friends eat loads more than me and are skinnyer, what can i do to loose weight? :/ im fairly chubby aswell

By hardly esting amything, this puts on weight. it slows your thyroid right down.. which slows your metabolism right down.. whicjh then means you burn off much less calories.and your body stores more food as fat - Jake

i need help, i as sex with this lad and he pressured me into things i didnt want to do! what shall i do?

Tell people, adults. parents. they will sort it oit - Jake

i went to the councilor about my self harming and about mentle health, it really helped me :*

Good! - Jake

i don't have a girlfriend because i have no confidence

When you gain more confidents ask a girl out

List of things you can do when you're bored(in your house)

Have friends over
House party,
Re arrange your bedroom


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