
Advice And Teen Support

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Wooooow your really pretty Chloe are you single?

I'm really not, but thank you and yep I'm a single pringle - Chloe :) x

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Chloe I didn't think you were going to be that pretty and what multitasking skills!

Haha I know! I'm very good multitasking :D and haha thank you! - Chloe :) x

Wow Chloe your stunning!!!!! Oh my gosh your so beautiful that is so unfair hahaha

Haha I'm really not! But thank you very much haha - Chloe :D x

hey Jake, you advised me to try emailing him again. I just have no idea what to say to him. should I bring up our friendship? thank you for your help. what your doing is amazing. don't know how you find all this time though haha.

Just say hey, not spoken in a while, did you get my last email? And just say how you've missed him and how it would be good if we could talk more:) - Jake

Chloe you've actually helped me so much and I'm really greatful <3 I was so so so scared it was my first big panic attack. My best friend helped me through it and calmed me down. xxx

No problem! I hope you're okay I know how horrible they are and how tired you must feel now <3 That's good! that's what friends are for :) If you ever want advice on how to deal with them or anything like that, just ask or message me on kik - Chloe xx

Chloe post a selfie x

okay, I look a real mess haha keep in mind though, I'm trying to walk while getting stuff in a supermarket, while taking an awkward selfie, while drinking my strawberry milkshake, while having my nana shout "hurry up and stop taking selfies, chloe? chloe get the carrots, come on!" haha :D yeah that's my little story for you all, and my apology for looking such a mess haha :) and the reason it's a diffrent colour is because I have an app that when I take a pic it automatically changes the colour, I need to get rid of it to be honest anyway here ya go! - Chloe :) x
Liked by: Soph

sorry, there weren't enough words left for my previous question. I added that he never emailed me for a month and a half. he didn't say happy bday. I was the one who emailed him or wished him a good bday. should I try emailing him again? I can't stop thinking about him. I miss him so much.

Email him again, see if he replies, if he doesn't, i guess he's moved on eh? :( - Jake

It's jakes decision whoever he chooses, so the anon shouldn't take it out on you he chose you because he thought you were slightly better.

It was a decision between me, Pippa and Jackie in the end, but thank you:) - Jake
Liked by: SPEAK-UP

Jake u shouldn't answer questions for other people :\ Chloe I wanted to be an admin Jake wouldn't let me even when I said I'd do a better job than you he said they'd already picked you :\ so i kinda hate u now answer my question if u had to say something horrible to Jake what wood it be U ANSWER it

I can not explain how much this has annoyed me. Firstly, Jake had all the right to answer your previous question. Secondly, you said in your previous question 'not trying to cause drama', well what are you doing then? Like Jake answered before, this isn't an insult page, it's an advice page. You can hate me all you like, it doesn't bother me. I WON'T answer it, it's a very pathetic and childish question. Why would I want to? I have nothing at all bad to say about him! I would never want to say anything horrible about or to him, there isn't anything bad to say. Don't come on here wanting us to insult each other, it's a waste of your time, it's childish, and it's wasting our time. You're not welcome here if this is how you're going to act. - Chloe

I'm friends with this guy- or was... I'm not sure. But anyway I moved recently and me and him were friends for a long time and we both finally admitted we liked each other right before I moved overseas. He told me he loved me. He told me he would email me every chance he got. We actually dated for a

Life sucks doesn't it? Moving away from someone you love, sounds like you two worked brilliantly as friends, and now you two live so far away, it sounds like you two should stay as friends, rather than risking this amazing friendship for love? As long distance relationships rarely work yeah? - Jake

my parents put so much pressure on my academics IK it's for my good but it's too muchc they expect perfect. I get decent grades but am constantly unhappy with myself. I can't just tell my parents :/

You will have to tell them. You need to say to them, I appreciate that you're pushing me, but there is a difference between supporting me and pressuring me too much and the pressure is getting to me! To perform my best I need encouragement and support not pressure or the pressure will build up and you will flop at the exam! Goodluck :) - Jake

Go if I was with Jake now I'd rape him.... So fit and cute 0.o

Woah, contain yourself im not that good looking but thank you :') - Jake

I want a girlfriend but I don't want one that has a period :(

Unfortunately thats mother nature and there is not a lot we can do about that! Love her for who she is :) - Jake

I really need help. I'm not sure how to shave my pubic hair and I'm scared that I'm the only person who hasn't done it yet.

Its everyone's personal choice if they shave their pubic area,everyone likes it different ways, don't feel like you have to do it, as I said its completely personal choice
This will help a lot:
Just type into google and many websites will come up explaining how to do it and stuff - Chloe :) x


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