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my hearts saying no but my heads saying yes :( and music, skittles, energy drinks, ice-lollies, cuddles, music, music and more music oh and my little cousins aww I love them loads tbh

Think of your cousins, if you cut. What would they say if they see it? You can't tell them. Would you lie to them? Stop self-harming for them.

I don't want life if im honest deep down I do but things aren't right, im never happy like never at all I cried my self to sleep the other night

Listen to deep down, you do want life. Tell me the things that make you happy.

but I want that :(

You don't.
Sub-consciously, you really don't. It's your mind talking, it's not really what you want.

no, but I don't like people or socializing either so its like my worst nightmare

You need to try, or else you'll be stuck in. No friends and more of a reason to self-harm, I don't want that!

If you need an admin, ask me a question with the account details and I won't answer it. I'll delete it right away. Promise. After you've talked to Jake etc. and I need my Ugly Sleep now, so I'll talk more tomorrow.

*Talked to Owen ;) haha :)
Night :)

not like mine its constant, with my sister and bf its every day, my mum wants to throw them out, she did once and they came back -,- I just stay in my room to like hide away and yeah but they all go there and its shit

Hmm, is there not something else that's close but fun for you? You need to get out.

loadssssss of cute names i can call my boyfriend?we already call each other thing1 and thing2 like off dr seuss but he calls me his beautiful etc and i need loads of cute things to call him:3

what friends, I don't talk to any one any more they all got enolved with drugs and drinking and I couldn't be arsed with them, my family well I just sit in my room all day all they ever do it tear each other apart

All families do believe it or not, creepy right? Imagine the perfect family. They'd probably argue more than the perfect family. You need to find more friends then! Is there a youth group near you or anything?

but it would be woth t because id be happy, the only time im ever happy is when im asleep

It honestly wouldn't. Think about your family and friends!


Language: English