
Advice And Teen Support

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Oops forgot to take it off anon. Admin thingy was me. :)

Could do with another male admin actually.. I'll see what the others say :) Got anything to message me on? Skype?

Hey just letting you know, if you're ever in need of another Admin, I'm always in town. :)

Who is this?

Nine. I'm knowledgable, but not intelligent. If that makes sense. I know heaps, just not the right stuff.

I have the exact same problem. Are you going into 9 or 10?

how can I compliment my boyfriend?i need LOADS of ideas as he always says sweet stuff and makes me so happy and I want to do the same for him! please I need lots of choice to pick from, thanks so much it's all much appreciated!!xxxxx

:( its not working though I want to cut so bad but I know if I do cut I will do it really deep because I have being feeling like this for 3/4 days now, im trying I really am but I need to cut at some point

YOU DON'T! Have you tried the 62 ways to stop?

I am scared that my brother is gonna move out and we're not gonna be as close as we are. what should i do?

You can't do anything sweetie, just keep in contact. He'll still come and see you, just gotta let him live his life. x

There is an anon question a while down about fear of loneliness and night time. Could be Achluophobia or Noctuphobia. Unsure.

^^ Didn't know that, taa :)

:9 because of life it got really shit for a few years, still is tbh people couldn't help me, so I fucked them off, and im trying on my own to stop, its working but I have really strong urges I don't want more scars :'(

That's a good sign, you don't want scars! You need to distract yourself when you've got urges. Whatever room you're in, go into another to distract yourself. Turn the TV on, listen to music(not depressing) anything to take your mind off it.

I send my boyfriend an email and I am really anxious about it. You see, for the first time EVER I decided to say/write I love you. It's been four weeks and there isn't a reply. (By the way it's an LDR) I don't know what to think because he usually checks his emails at least every week. -NervousGirl

Just wait a bit, maybe he's a little busy this week? It's normal to feel nervous saying "I love you" for the first time to someone. Just give him a little more time. If he doesn't reply in say, 3 days-a week. Then send another email.

I wish i was pretty:(

You're beautiful! Inside and out. Not only should you remember that, you should believe that too.

I recently stopped self harming but I still get really strong urges, when I stopped a while ago, I relapsed and cut really deep and a lot , im scared im going to relapse and cut deep again :(

You have to be strong! Why do you cut? Relapses are honestly normal, you just gotta make sure that if you do relapse you beat the time you lasted.


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