
Advice And Teen Support

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I've changed a lot, I'm not sure I like it.. I've been through a lot of trauma this past year, and now that I'm essentially all better, I want things to go back to the way they were, but I don't know how to change it all back.

You are constantly changing.. you'll become a different person when you get older.. you cant change back but.. you will change okay? -Jake

is my boyfriend being a dick or just sarcastic? cause Ididn't reply to him for a bit he said, 'not talking to me now'? &once I told him I was going for my dinner, and after about 20 minutes he was like 'you're having a long tea' :/ and just now I laughed at something and he said 'its not that funny'

It does sound like he's being a bit of an idiot, but, tell him how you feel okay? - Jake

facebook link was sent if you need me reply to this one pippa :) x

Can I have your skype instead pls? x

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hi there, just a quick question, i'm stuck on what career path i want to go down, and just need a chat with someone to help me find out what career path i want to go down... i have skype or facebook or can justsend anon questions to here... hop[e to hear soon. Thanks xx

What's your facebook? xx
Liked by: Marcus

but my old friends just annoy me!

Just don't talk to them as much. if you don't like them, they're not your friends anymore. - Jake

I hate thunder it scares the shit out of me and its pissing down and its going to thunder tonight what can I do to like idk sleep and not be scared?

put music in, until you're very tired. it'll block out the thunder, and you might fall asleep with music in, if its not too loud! - Jake


I don't know what will happen love, whatever happens I'll still be willing to help you guys whether I'm on the page or not (Owen)

Owen announcement "Bleeerrgg"

Advice And Teen Support
Right then, this is gonna be the last of my announcements for a while and it's titled "Bleeerrgg" because I'm having doubts about me having any point of being on this page anymore and I've spoken to a few of our admins about this and we've agreed that rather than me quitting this page for good that I am to take a "long break" off this page to then determine whether I do want to stay on or whether to leave. I'm having mixed thoughts about this so a break is a pretty good idea for me. Sorry to anybody that may get upset with the fact that I'm thinking of leaving this page but what needs to be done needs to be done. I won't be answering questions on here for a while (unless they're directed at me personally) thanks for reading this announcement and I shall keep you all updated soon. Talk soon guys I love you lot (Owen)

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recently ive been making new friends from skool in differents years to me. and they seem to be better friends than the ones i already hav . i spend nearly everyday with these two boys and one of them is like a best friend to me already how do i tell my old friends i dont want to be with them anymore

don't tell that to your friends that you don't wanna be with them. whether they're not your closest friends or not, they're still friends okay? there's no point getting rid of friends! - Jake

how to get a boyfriend? what kind of girls do boys like?

that's a question that can't be answered really, everyone likes different types of girls! boys don't like one certain type! but how to get a boyfriend? you gotta hang around with guys, flirt with guys, they'll flirt back if they like you! - Jake

Is it weird a boy hasn't asked me out and I am 14?

not at all! :) just shows boys where you are, are very silly - Jake

http://beneaththeplastic.wix.com/help This is a website that was recently created for girls that need a break from the negativity of the Internet. It has a lot of different features on it that will encourage girls to live a healthy life! Pls checkout our fb, twitter, and instagram page :) Thanks!


i want to ask this guy out on fb but idk what to say im scared he might reject me then treat me differently :(

If you don't ask him, you'll think "what if"? You never know, he might actually like you back. If he does reject you and treat you differently, then he's not a very nice person. Go for it girl!
Liked by: Valar Dohaeris

Hey, could you go really in-depth on relationship advice? Like - What to talk about and how to keep the conversation going, how to compliment her properly or make her feel special, what girls like etc? This would really help :) Thanks xo

I'll try, might be rubbish! Haha.
What to talk about - well girls LOVE comical guys, say some really pointless and stupid jokes to make her laugh=
* I went to the corner shop, I bought four corners.*
*I went to the zoo. It had one dog it was a shitzu.*
*A dyslexic man walks into a bra.*
*I said to my gym instructor "i want to do the splits" he said " how flexible are you?" I say" I can't do Tuesdays"*
*Two fish in a tank one says " how do you drive this thing?*
I laugh at all of those, yet again. I'm easily-amused.. ^.^
How to keep the conversation going - literally talk about random things, girls are a weird species and we like random.
How to compliment her or/and make her feel better -
Tell her that she's "beautiful," "pretty," or "gorgeous" instead. These words are a lot more heartfelt, and they have a little extra emotion behind them.
Compliment aspects of her personality, too. Girls want to feel pretty on the outside and the inside. Sincere compliments about her personality let her understand that you like her for who she is deep down inside:
"Every time we're alone, you remind me of how fun it is to just do nothing together."
"You are as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside."
"You make me want to be a better person every single day."
"When I look at you, I know what it's like to feel completely safe and comfortable around someone."
Some websites to look at :) -
I hope this helps? xo

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So I just recently learned that my boyfriend is transexual and im olay with it and my bestfriens isn't and I'm not sure what to do because I don't wana lose anyone of them but I know I have to... Please help me...

Well honestly, it's your choice. If she's not happy with it, then she'll have to get used to it. As long as you're happy with your boyfriend, all she can do is be a good friend.

Is there a technical name for someone who likes guys and transexuals, transgender and bi's but doesn't like girls?

I'm not 100% sure but I think that would be pansexual
Bry x


Language: English