
Advice And Teen Support

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my mum just found out that I'm going out with a boy who she doesn't like. she also found out I slept with him,he's 17 and I'm 15. so now she's saying I'm not aloud any contact with him at all but I love him so much and he loves me too. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

Should have told her straight away eh? Only way you can see him is by lying to your mum saying you're seeing other friends but see him instead. Not a good idea as this may get you in trouble. Just gotta try and persuade your mum, saying that you love him, and ask her if he can come round to your house so he can meet your mum, see if anything can be sorted or not? :) - Jake

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Why do not many guys want to be admins?

I guess girls enjoy helping people morethan guys? Really don't know! When we look for a new admin (In the past), almost all girls apply :P - Jake

Dear all Admins, I was popping up to ask whether you would want to be part of the Global Acts of Kindness Initiative (GAKI) which would help group all the kindness powers together! In order to help people know there is a full force for good - Please pop up on my fb wall - and so we can chat more :)

Random Acts of Kindness
Will look into it thank you! -Jake

chloe im not causing drama or argument but if u could say one really horrible thing to jake what would u sai?

This is an advice page not an insult page - Jake

Gee. Thanks for helping me. It wasn't a big one by the way, I was having cutting thoughts and shaking, crying and sweating uncontrollably. It was one of my first ones and I was terrified. Thanks again.

I told you what to do, I told you to block the girl on everything you go on and tell a parent, the girl is obviously a waste of your time and you just need to completely ignore her... She isn't worth your tears she isn't worth your stress and worry, It was your first panic attack? I hope your okay... First time can be very scary, like you said terrifying - Chloe x

Hey. I have really bad anxiety and there is this girl literally bullying me through every social media sight that I have. She has been doing this for 3 days now and I am really stressed. My best friend just calmed me down from a panic attack and when I answered the phone I was crying and shaking.

You have really bad anxiety, and this girl is obviously not helping... You need to block her on everything you go on, and then if you want tell your parents, I know its hard, but you need to try and ignore and forget everything she said - Chloe x

chloe what are some of the stuff you might feel when having a panic attack or anxiety?

When having a panic attack you can feel many things, everyone is different, these are some of the stuff you will feel:
very rapid breathing or feeling unable to breathe
very rapid heartbeat
pains in your chest
feeling faint or dizzy
ringing in your ears
tingling or numbness in your hands and feet
hot or cold flushes
feeling nauseous
wanting to go to the toilet
feelings of absolute terror
feeling smothered
feeling claustrophobic
being extremely emotional/uncrontrollable crying
- Chloe x
feelings of unreality, called depersonalisation and derealisation

Your teen advice and support. Why aren't you helping me i don't know what to do I'm in the middle of a panic attack! Nice to know someone actually cares.

I've you were in the middle of a really bad panic attack you wouldn't be able to type that out and talk like that, were doing are very best to answer all questions... So please be patient - Chloe

do any of you have panic attacks or suffer with panic disorder apart from chloe?

I sometimes have panic attacks.
Apart from that, I don't think any of our other admins do. (Apart from Chloe).

What do i do if i wanna ask this girl out and she is 18 and i am 25?

Age doesnt matter that much at your age, so just be yourself, don't act too quickly and take it slow, start off friendly, and don't show that you fancy her yeah?:) -Jake

and do you feel uncomfortable taking about panic attacks and anxiety?

It gets uncomfortable sometimes when I talk about my personal experience and stuff like that, but talking about panic attacks or anxiety in general its fine - Chloe :) x

Chloe do you remember where you where when you had your first panic attack?

Yes, I was in school in a French lesson :P - Chloe x

how do you know when that is though

There is never no set time in a relationship. If you are thinking of doing it, and worrying about it, then you are not ready - Jake

my parents know i dont eat much . . they dont say anything

Might be an idea to see a GP to see if you can get anything set up to help you:) - Jake

I have no idea why people would do anal. Wouldn't it hurt?

I wouldn't ever consider it, sounds like it would hurt aha, but whatever floats people's goats - Jake


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