
Advice And Teen Support

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Look. I have a problem. DHHS has custody of me and I need advice. advice that will stop all the horrible thoughts running through my fucking head. >.<

We all have horrible thoughts, things we think that after we think it, we're like "omg, I wish I didn't say that." What are the horrible thoughts sweetie?

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I'm a boy and I'm really worried (14 btw) I think when I peed last it looked a little red then when I got changed I had blood in my boxers is his normal for a boy I know it is for a girl do I get medical help

possibly, could be a cancer, of sort. but that's very unlikely. most common thing it is, is probably an infection, or something minor along those lines, get it checked out though - Jake

Theres a really fit girl and she fancies me what should i doo?

if you fancy her back, start flirting with her, and arrange to meet up! - Jake

ok, I just wanted to say that the person who wrote -HALEY is not me. And that I know I let him take advantage of me today. I feel like I'm gonna cry Jake -Haley

sorry. and look, don't cry! nothin serious happened okay? you're safe, nothing serious has happened. just a bit of fun. in future. just be more careful okay? - Jake

Jake we've been hanging out together in our underwear for 2 months now. -Haleya

like I said, if you're comfortable, and want to do it, then go ahead. just don't let him take advantage. - Jake

So you think I should leave him? -Haley

Nah. don't leave him. just, you gotta be more strict haven't you? I mean, you started off tonight, everything completely normal. within a few hours, you've let him get you completely naked. you really gotta say no sometimes - Jake

off. So i was naked and he had his boxers on. I tried to be sexy and take his boxers off but he wouldn't let me. We finished our make out and I got redressed and then he said he had baseball so I had to leave. Why would t he let me take his boxers off? I let him take my bra AND panties off! -Haley

by the sounds of it, its too soon, you shouldn't have let him do that, by what you just said, he's taking advantage already. - Jake

1/2 I'm on my way home now Jake. He had baseball practice. But here's the story: after we were done with lunch he started to kiss me an then it was a full blown make out session. He took off my shirt (I had put it back on) then he took my bra off. We were still kissing an then he took my panties

you sometimes gotta say no. you shouldn't have let him do that so soon? take your pants off - Jake

Jake: I just had sex with a girl, and we both were ready, but I'm not sure if its normal. 14/M

if you were both ready, and feel you have no regrets, then its fine. also, if you were safe as well, then its fine - Jake

Hey can you please share and support my page as much as possible? I would like to get out there a bit more to give out as much advice as I can to as many people as possible. It would really mean a lot (':

Advice For You Whenever
- Jake

Ok, Jake. I've gotta go. He just said that lunch is ready. I let you know what happens from here. -Haley

remember. stay safe. take it slow. - Jake

hmmmmm, ok maybe. I'm sorry but I guess we're just so accustomed to being half naked with each other, I couldnt really imagine it another way. -Haley

yeah, whatever you're comfortable with, just don't let him rush you - Jake

Okay, I don't think I'll be ready for sex for a longggggg time. But like being naked together? Is there any risk for pregnancy or STDs?

depends what you're doing being naked? but by you two being naked together, May get you two sexually excited, which then could lead to things like sex, so the normal thing to do, keep your clothes on, and just cuddle up? -Jake

What if I'm ready for something like being naked together (well i guess he's seen my boobs but me naked and him naked) or having sex in the future how do I let him know I'm ready? -Haley

eventually, you two may start talking about it in a joking way, or in a casual way, which may lead to it. but remember the dangers of sexual contact. - Jake

I pinky promise I won't let him take advantage of me anymore. He's actually super understanding! He said he won't do anything I don't want -Haley

good! :) glad to help you - Jake


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