
Advice And Teen Support

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Have you got a girlfriend?

me? nope, I'm single currently. as I always say, I'm single girls ;) Haha! :) - Jake

okay Jake. He has asked me about sex before but I told him I'm not comfortable and he said he understood! -Haley

Good. don't let him use you for sex either! don't let him take advantage, or rush you into anything. at any time, you can always say, no. at anytime. - Jake

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Jake you really have been so helpful. Thanks so much :) i'll keep you updated :) -Haley

remember, don't rush into anything, don't do anything you're not comfortable about, always be safe, okay? - Jake

I don't have kik. But this is ok. How do I turn him on? -Haley

kissing is one way, touching, rubbing, those are just a few ways. some people like their necks being kissed - Jake

14/F. How should I do it just walk in and do it? -Haley <--- I'll just sign off as that so you know it's me.

I can't answer that one, whatever you feel is comfortable! do you wanna talk more privately on kik? -Jake

14/F. Ok. I'm just sitting here topless now, and he came in and kissed me (we've never kissed before) and left.

then yeah, he does like you. if I were you, just go to him in the kitchen and just kiss him, if you want to! :P - Jake

Jale Omg I like how your always like come get me girls ;p

Jale? whos that? ;) and yeah well, I have a good sense of humour :P - Jake

14/F. Yeah I like him but we aren't dating or anything and I guess we have a "thing" but it's not something that our friends really know about. It made me uncomfortable at first but since you said he probably likes me I guess it's ok.

I am only guessing he likes you. I don't know what's happening between you two personally. but, seriously, if you're not comfortable with it, don't let him do it - Jake

I am 13 and this 16 year old boy keeps messageing me saying he loves me all the time i really like him too i have told him i like him and i have been with him but we were together for a day he just messaged me again saying he loves me but hes got a child but i dunno if i should ask him out? advice<3

if he loves you enough, it'll be him that will ask you out. not the otherway round - Jake

14/F. I was just confused! A guy has never done that to me before! (x so he likes me?

by the sounds of it! either that, or hes a pedophile. which I highly doubt! do you like him back? are you comfortable with him doing this? - Jake

14/F. Ok so like he came in to check on me while he was making lunch and he took my bra off and started squeezing my boobs. Why would he do that?

because he likes you! but tbh, you shouldn't have let him done that if you weren't comfortable - Jake

14/F. Is it still illegal if I'm ok with him taking my bra off?

if he has your permission, then it isn't. - Jake

Why do you never say anything personal on here jake?

because, its personal, that's why. if it wasn't personal, I would say it! - Jake

14/F. I didn't realize its illegal. We're playin right now and he's making us lunch so I'm sitting in the living room, what should I do if he does it again? Just let it happen?

just tell him, not to do that again. and if it does happen again, then leave. he probably thought it was a bit of fun though, so just tell him not to do it again :P - Jake

JAKE:14/F.I have a thing with this guy (15) and we like to hang out in our underwear while playing video games.today he unhooked my bra strap.I immediately dropped my controller to save myself(I did)because I didn't know what he was doing.I'm fine going topless but wasn't sure if its appropriate.

well, I believe, that, that is illegal, because he didn't have your permission to do that. if you said, yeah you can. then its fine. so, its not really appropriate - Jake xxx

personally how old do you think is acceptable to have sex

really, I should say 16. because thats the LEGAL age. but very few people abide by that law. all I say is, if both people KNOW they are ready, no forcing, nothing like that, and are both comfortable, and know they won't have any regrets, and they're safe, then, that's their choice isn't it? - Jake

Im 13, do you personally think it's wrong if when i'm kissing a boy he puts his hands up my shirt? Do you think i'm too young? Alot of other people my age have done it and they havn't got called any names for it or lost respect so i'm just wondering? :) xx

personally, if you feel you are ready, and you know you have no regrets, and most importantly, you're safe. then, go ahead. - Jake

I'm a boy and I'm in year 7 At school a year 11 student goes into each year 7 tutor group, to help us get to know the school for awhile. Our student is a really nice and pretty girl I really like her and I was wondering if I would have achance with her Do u think I would?

as harsh as this sounds, most likely not. people normally tend to stick to a maximum of a 2 year age difference at this age, so probably not, sorry. - Jake

Why did you start an advice page, what inspired you all?

Actually it was my friend who started it, I don't know what inspired her. She just asked me to help out and I agreed because I enjoy helping people because everybody deserves help if they need it and they shouldn't have to go through some of the things I've gone through and I want to try my hardest to prevent it
Bryony x
Liked by: Adviceforteens

i wish it was as easy as getting them back :c fml i only told them to leave 2 days ago, im a twat i just fuck up every one and every thing every ne would be better off without me

no, you're not. you made a mistake, people make mistakes! you just have to tell them its a mistake! - Jake


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