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My boyfriend always goes on about how high girls now a days wear shorts. He calls them sluts and says he can nearly see there underwear, this makes me feel really Insecure because he's looking at them. I tell him I don't want to hear It but he still continues.. HELP!!

He's calling them sluts hunni, which might mean he's not attracted to it! and if he carry's on talk about other guys and see what he say's and if you tell him you don't want to, then just walk away for a bit <3 ~Darylann

I found out yesterday that my ex has a new girl friends all ready but he was asking me to send him pictures of my tits . I am confused

don't do it, he might just be asking to use it against you, to make his new gf jealous, just ignore him, don't fall for it he's not worth it hunni<3 ~Darylann

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I feel wasted,useless, and worthless all the time :( I don't know why they don't trust me and I'm always rejected? I can't even do what I wanted pls.. help :(

you are the complete opposite, you are beautiful, amazing, kind, and perfect! never let anyone tell you other wise, speak to them and ask why they don't trust you! you always follow your dreams hunni<3<3 you are perfect! ~Darylann

I have so many scars :( but lucky not on my arms. its so hard when you start now i cant stop :( :(

I know it's hard sweetie. I know it is, why did you first start?

I heard my parents doing it for the second time now and it's ruined my childhood!!!!! help!!!

Well it shouldn't because that's how you were conceived and you'll have to do the same thing one day too (Owen)

Help me stop watching porn, please help

Well I'd start to cut down on the amount of porn that you're watching, gradually cutting down day by day on and then when you're at a stable stage to stop, stop. (Owen)
Liked by: Adviceforteens

I'm 13 and i started self harm not to long ago. About a month or two ago, because i had this boyfriend and we always used to have fights and we just made each other upset and i used to be so happy and didn't care what anybody thought of me, then i met him, now i am the complete opposite. :(

Are you still with him? If so, I seriously wouldn't be. I had the same thing sweetie, get out of that relationship while you still can. After I started self-harming with him, he mentally and emotionally abused me. You need to either talk to him or break it off. Don't let him get the better of you. You are amazing and you do not need people like him making you self-harm. I'm always here, talk to me if you need me ok? xx

I just want to run away, I really hate my life where i live, the city is boring, the people are horrible. My dream is to just run away and to take all my money and live in Amercia, it sounds stupid but ive been thinking about it for ages,

How old are you sweetie?

I want to stop self harming but it's so addictive and the feeling you get afterwards is just amazing and I like my scares but there's something wanting me to stop......any ideas?

I know it feels amazing after you cut, but think of the psychological long-terms effects. Will it scar? What will your kids say? That's probably it. Do you know anyone who suffers with self-harming? It might be your conscious mind wanting you to stop, because honestly. It doesn't help, it ,makes you a lot worse.
Try these ways to stop - http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/38683561958

About 2 years ago I messed up, and I want to apologise to a friend whom I haven't talked to since, but I don't know how, or even if I should. I've moved away since, so meeting up is not an option. I feel so bad.

Well you both would have matured and have had a lot of time to think about the "problem" since then. If you're not sure if you should apologize then don't yet. Give it a bit longer because they might start asking questions and you won't know what to say.

I'm 14, I weigh 7 and a half stone, I'm 5 foot 3 (roughly), is that average?

We do not answer these questions on the ground that we cannot always be accurate, If you want to know, see a Doctor.
Liked by: ❤ M A D I ❤

So like my Boyfriend really wants to meet my parents? But if i tell them I'll get introuble because Im not aloud to have a boyfriend, I keep telling him but he doesnt understand what do i say?

Your parents need to realize that if they don't let you have a boyfriend, then you'll still have one anyway. Talk to your parents about it, but also tell your boyfriend the whole story. But beware, he could feel as if you're ashamed of him.

Need help I hate how my breasts look without a bra do ihave to take my bra off during sex and can I have sex under the duvet? I'm very jnconfident with my body

Well you don't have to take it off, but it might feel awkward for your partner. Talk to the partner about it before actually having sex. And you can do whatever you like, it's your choice.

i wanna ask my ex back out again but idk how to say it any ideas?

Do you want to make it special? Just be like
"Hey, well.. I still really like you. I want to make things better again, I want there to be an "us" again. Shall we try? Will you go out with me?"

say you like someone and have for ages but you havr to move on cuz you think they dont like you back,then u go out with someone u only have a few feelings for,but found out the person u liked before likes you too,what do you do?

So you're still with the other person? If you still like the first original person you can break it off with the other and tell the original guy the whole story (that you moved on because you didn't think he liked you)

i'll ask it again ey, i self harmed for the first time like 2 weeks ago and at first i didnt feel anything and there was no scar or anything so i just left it but then the next day their was a big red cut on my hip and for some reason, just looking at it made me feel so much better about myself idek

It makes you feel, better? It usually does. But think of the psychological long-terms effects. Will it scar? What will your kids say? Etc. Why did you self harm in the first place?

Hey can you please promote my page and share it as much as you can? I just made it 2 days ago and I'm really trying to get out there so I can give out as much advice as possible to as many people as I can! It would really mean a lot (':

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