
Advice And Teen Support

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Can all of you tell me about your selfs so I can request an admin for my question? (:

Send us all a question each telling us the tell you about ourselves?

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Ok here goes "I know it seems cringy about what I say, but I have been writing since the middle of May, I cannot compete with Jamie nor Fraser (guys I know), But I sit in the back without any blazer. It's really quite weird how I'm writing so well, But I've promised myself I must not tell

Awww! :')

Do you think a poem to impress a girl is a good idea

I would personally find it very sweet if someone gave me a poem :)

the one about self harm, ive asked it like 3 times now

I personally don't know what to say. I will get another admin to answer it for you x

To the girl asking about her period----> YOU CAN'T WEAR A TAMPON UNTIL AT LEAST YOUR SECOND PERIOD!

^^You learn something new everyday!

do you have to wear a tampon when washing in the bath?

When you're on your period? If so, personal preference

i havent started my periods yet im 14 nearly 15 but i cant go swimming because i cant wear tampon because i dont know how to use them and also i am scared i will start in the baths.. :(

Inside the pack of tampons will be instructions of how to put them in. If you haven't started your period yet then you don't need to wear a tampon, and always keep a pad in hand then!

I asked you a question about not feeling good enough and about this guy I love but you never answered

I've answered it now -Tai

I never feel good enough. I am in love with this guy, and he says he loves me too. But he text's so many other girls and probably says the same things to them. I just don't know if I can trust him and it breaks me, please help

You need to talk to him, and ask him if what he's saying to you is actually how he feels. If he's doing this to other girls then you're too good for him. But if you want to be with him you should learn to trust him and you're only going to do this by talking it out with him -Tai

I have erectile dysfunction and my dick breaths

Go see your doctor, they might be able to help --Tai

Me and my best friend (who's a girl and I'm a guy) we went to her place and slept over, she drunk a bit to much and while I was at the bathroom, I could hear something. It was her and her mum kissing. I didn't know what to do so I came out and my bestfriend said we should sleep together, so we did.

Did you use protection?-Tai

im in a dilemma, I came home drunk and had sex with my mom and grandma? what shall I do

I think you should talk to your mum and grandma about it -Tai


Language: English