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my crush is going to study aboard and he is going after 14 days and we haven't met yet please don't tell me to ask him on date because I am a shy girl heelp

Ask to meet up with him, not on a date but ya know so you can say goodbye

Do you think its okay for a girl to date a Boy one year younger than theem or is that wrong?

It's perfectly fine, you can date whoever you like (Owen)

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How do u get a plaster cast off

Use water but if you've broken something and need the cast I wouldn't advise taking it off for your own safety (Owen)

Im new to this & I really would like to help out with my teen I'm asking for your help to spread my page around

Ask them stuff - Jake

but my big cousin came out bi last week and now everyone hates her so are you sure nothing is wrong with it?

Its a personal thing, I don't have a problem, but a lot of people do. The majority of people keep it a secret, to avoid being hated or anything. Its your choice, keep it secret, and carry on as normal, which is what I would probably do tbh, but, its your choice - Jake

im twelve an i think im bisexual

Do you see yourself with both a female and a male? Do you have sexual thoughts about both genders? Either way, these is nothing wrong with being bi at all. - Jake

How do you tell your gf you self harm:'(

There's no point putting it off, or telling her in bits, or hiding parts of it. You just gotta be honest, and tell her. It'll be hard, but afterwards, it'll only get easier okay? You two will help each other - Jake

i have been unemployed for 3 years suffering from depression

Do you get help for this depression? And are you applying for new jobs? This will pass time, stop you from overthinking things, possibly causing depression? Try beat the depression first by seeking help - Jake

Hey Jake I was wondering if there was a way I could reach you privately? My BBM and Kik don't really work and I can't get onto Skype that easily unless there is no other way? Thanks x

I have whatsapp, but I'm not going to post my number on this page, so that'll have to be done more privately, say posting it on your ask, and you not answering, apart from that, not really! - Jake

I told my mom that i wanted a hair cut and she lost her mind she started screaming i hate it in heartbroken i really want this and i cant talk to her about this anymore cause she might lose it

Did you tell your passion towards her for it? If you really want it done, then go and get it done, she won't like it, but she'll get use to it after a bit! -Jake

But people generally don't like me very much, I don't find it easy to make friends. I try really hard but idk, people just don't warm up to me very much, and considering it's three weeks long, I don't want to be alone the whole time.

Just try to stay calm and relaxed then, these people won't know you, so you should be able to make friends as you don't have a reputation with them! Just stay calm and relaxed, rather than goin g crazy or anything - Jake

It's been a longtime I didn't cut and now all I want to do is to do it, I really want to do it, but I know that the next days I'll have to hide the scars, and after I'll regretit, I don't know what to do I feel so confused

Best thing to do, is get rid of the blade. That doesn't mean, put it in the bin, or on the shelf, somewhere you can't get it. Don't think about it, just. Gotta do it. That way you aren't able to self harm, why do you want to self harm? - Jake

I start summer camp on Sunday and I'm really scared that I won't make any friends and that everyone will judge me or hate me. We needed to bring a rucksack and the only one I have is a One Direction bag (I do love them a lot) but I don't want to be made fun of for it. I'm just really scared.

Best thing you can do, is be yourself, but, be sensible! If you see a very sensible person, don't be crazy around them! If you see someone crazy, be crazy! Apart from that, you gotta be yourself or you won't be able to make friends! - Jake

K I've been with a counsellor who talks to me every week.apparently I'm too obsessed with being perfect.I love getting praised! I try to perfect everything I do. But doing that I lose sleep and I tell my counsellor everything. He says that I need to 'perfect' being imperfect. How do I do this?- kaci

You just have to accept, hate, or negative feedback. You just gotta say sometimes, no, this is enough. I need to live my life properly, and sensibly. Have you asked your councillor how you can do this? - Jake

okay i need help this boy said i was ugly so i sent this girl some messages saying he called her a bitch (witch was true) and he found out what do i do ...

Just tell the girl, you were telling the truth, and say to him, I was offended, I really was! And wanted to say this in return! - Jake

My bf is Lyon to my face but I don't know how to tell him I knw he's lyong

Its not easy to call someone a lier, but if you can. Prove that he is lying, then confront him, but don't be harsh! Its not going to be easy, otherwise, just ask him, are you lying to me? - Jake

What piercings are unisex? (Pippa<3)

Eyebrow Piercing
Lip Piercing
Septum Piercing
Cartilage Piercing
Conch Piercing
Scaffold Piercing
Surface Piercing
Tragus Piercing
Tongue Piercing
Liked by: Chris Dunne

Pippa is evrything sorted because I dont want to upset you even more:( x

Mainly yes. who is this? xx

Please answer quick, can i have a list of males and females piercings, specifically assigned to a gender xox (anyone<3)

Transverse lobe
Forward helix
Inner eyebrow piercing
Inner eyebrow piercing
Nosebridge piercing
Eyebrow piercing
Eyebrow piercing
Labret and Lowbret
Labret and lowbret
Septum piercing
Septum piercing
Triple eyebrow
Triple eyebrow
Septum, labret and lowbret
Madonna and labret
Madonna and labret
Horizontal eyebrow
Tongue web


Language: English