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What are the sign in facebook chat to tell that a boy likes you?

Him messaging you first or instant
Putting kisses at the end of a sentence,
Calling you cute little names
Keeping a good conversation
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I am confused I dunno if my crush likes me. His best friend told me that he likes my friend but when I asked him if he talks so much with his crush he said no (we dont speak more than a hour a day and we never met/ His crush used to be his classmate and I bet that they talk so much on fb)

Ask him who his crush is, and tell him you like him, be the stronger one and tell him how you feel! Make the first move ~ Darylann<3

Me and my crush used to joke around saying we're married, Ive stoped calling him husband lately because my friends told me to be more serious but he still calls me his wife and his baby. Is it a good sign?

Yes it is a good sign because that's what you two started off like and it means he still like you like that~ Darylann<3

What is oral sex

Oral sex is sexually stimulating somebody with your mouth such as a blowjob or eating a girl out

K so my two close guy friends came up to me, dragged me away from my friends and said that they can't decide on something. THey then asked me if I would have a threesome with them. Can u explain to me what it actually is pls? I haven't given them an answer yet cos I'm not sure what it IS.

A threesome is where three people all have sexual intercourse together

Me and my bf are both 17 and we feel ready and both want to make love to eachother, he also wants to lick me out and I sed ill give him a bj but I'm a total virgin. Any advice on giving blowjobs? Preferably from a male. Also, what does cum and penis taste like + do pubes get in the way? Thx!xxxx

http://www.sofeminine.co.uk/guide/relationships/f5975-oral-sex-for-him.html See this website for tips on giving a blowjob.
Penis doesn't really have a taste but with cum it's different for every man. Some girls like it, some girls hate it it depends on. But with the pubes, it shouldn't really go in your mouth anyway because there's no hairs up the shaft of the penis (unless you're deep throating) but if not they shouldn't get in the way (Owen)
Liked by: Alexander

Is it painful for a guy when he has sex for the first time

Not really, it can hurt a guy if the girl isn't wet enough or if you're hitting the pelvic bone (Owen)

You know if I eat then make myself sick, will it make me lose weight instead of just starving myself?

It would but that is one of the most unhealthiest ways to loose weight, because once you're happy and eat properly, than you'll put it all back on, the best way is to exercise and eat healthy! ~ Darylann

I don't know how to tell this guy that I don't like him the same way he likes me. I just want to be friends, but I'm worried it's been misconstrued that I like him :( HELP!

Tell him you think you'd be better as friends, and that you don't want to screw up a friendship with a relationship! He'll understand (Darylann)<3

where can I buy paracetamol underage

You can't, it's illegal for shops to sell tablets to people under 16 (Owen)

pip, what do you think of the new girl

She's kind, funny, pretty and giving awesome advice.

Is it bad to shave my private hair im a boy

It's not bad, it's a choice dependent on on the person themselves. (Owen)

Pip I thought you left?

Right yesterday was a pretty emotional day for me. Things happened and it set off a major low mood. I'm on a break until at least the start of August. I will only answer questions that are directed at me. I'm sorry if I offended anyone.

D what's your opinion on the 2 soldiers who died in Wales, today, and the Fireman in Manchester?

My opinion is that they are all hero's, the two soldiers,the fireman and cory are four very important people. All of them deserve to rest in peace, they are all brave! All very committed people, to their jobs and family, they all saved lives, all helped someone, the thing is that Cory had a big impact on so many people's lives because he was famous and he helped teenager and adults through stages of their lives that they wouldn't of been able to get through without some guidance, the two soldiers fort for us, to keep everyone safe, the fireman would of always put others first, to me they're all warriors, and they all deserve love and respect, this will have a massive impact on their families,friends and for Cory his fans.
My love goes out to everybody who's been affected by these four amazing and talented brave people<3
~Darylann <3

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Who's darylann? What have I missed I went away for two days I love this page I want to love d xx

Well, Darylann is a person that I took for an interview back when Jake and Tai were going for theirs. I really liked Darylann but we only had room fro 1 girl admin. Then me and Jake were discussing and he brought up that we need more admins so now Darylann is here :) (Owen)

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/52541318118 I do I give up I don't care what she does any more from now on I'm only looking after myself p

Honey I know you're going through a lot, but you need to try and see it from your mums point of view. Is there a reason she started drinking? Speak to her or a close family friend about how you feel. You need to try to help yourself&your mum x

My mum found out about my cutting she took my yo a doctor they didn't care or help they were like okay what do you use? I said razor they said okay gave my mum a site.whoch had to be payed for(its to expensive ) and they said we need they next patient soon sorry bye :(

What site was it?<3 Hunni, you need to tell your mum that you don't think it's helped or even get her to take you to the hospital and see what they can provide because sometimes hospitals can offer you so much more help than your own doctor, just stay strong <3 ~Darylann

What about the 2 soldiers who died in Wales, today, and the Fireman in Manchester? :O

Mark "The Dingo" Curran
I didn't know about them. But I'm sure they've affected lots of lives too and it's horrible for people to go through. But I wrote a paragraph about Cory because he means something to me and he is famous therefore he's a death that has affected far more people. Not that I don't respect the others who died and I send my live to the people who it has affected x
Bryony x


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