
Advice And Teen Support

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Im dating this boy im crazy for&i used to have a thing withh an other boy before i started dating my boyfriend, but i couldnt date the boy i have a thing with before cause he is my bff bro&i have feelings for both of them now. But i see the other boy more than i see my bf. i stil rlly like my bf!

Follow your heart, who makes you happier? If you really liked your bf you wouldn't be having mixed feelings, about it all, go for the one you liked second because if you liked the first one so much you wouldn't of fell for the other boy, follow your heart speak to both of them and see what your bff/bro feels about you. Also tell your bf you want to see him more<3 do whatever makes you happy (Darylann)

I like this guy,he Flirts with me and asks me to play with his hair and hands-sounds funny aha-he tickles me and actually lays on me and snuggles up,and tickles me so whats happening between us? Btw my friend likes him too x

Sounds like this guy likes you back, tell him how you feel, or you could wait to see if he tells you how he feels? Either way will work just as well! - Jake x

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Ahh yeah forot I had you on facebook I could even text you xD how lucky am I I pop up to you as im on laptop atm being lazy :P (luce) <3

Haha <3

Help please i am at my cousins house in her bed and im on my period but i dont wear tampons i wear pads and i was lieing down and somehow all blood got over her bed, shes in the bathroom getting a shower please help i dont know what to do ?!? Her sheet is white!!?

instead of her finding it, and being like WHAT is this? Just be honest and say this has happened. It saves any arguments. It will be very embarrassing, but not as embarrassing and bad if you don't tell her - Jake

Ah pippa you only say you're leaving so people will say 'please don't leave' it's happened once before. Just stay or go, simple mun

And you're basically calling me an attention seeker? I don't know you or particularly care what you say. Don't follow us then if you're just gonna say stuff. Simple.

But I think I like her

You like your friend? You need to be sure that you do, so you don't mess with her feelings

Pip please don't leave the page :( You help me so much your the first person on this page to help me then we came really good friends who skyped and spoke on the phone please don't go :(

Who's this?

Pippa, please before you leave give me some advice My best friend told me she fancies me. I'm not I have feelings for her though. I am bisexual I think, I don't want to corrupt our friendship, help?

You need to let her down easy then.
"I know that you have feeling for me and I find that very sweet, but I want to stay friends. I don't have the same feeling for you" x

Hey guys, I'm thinking of leaving the advice page. I'm sorry. It's not final yet, but just a major thought. So yeah, I'll only answer questions directed at me. (Pippa<3)


Is darylann someone you guys know?

Darylann is somebody that I interviewed while Jake and Tai were going through their interviews (Owen)

You guys never said you wanted a new admin?

It was a decision made between us suddenly. We thought it was for the best - Jake

im leaving this world as no one wants diabetic people in this place even other advice page agress

Just because you are diabetic, this does not make you any different from anyone else. Talk to us before you do anything, this advice page, can you send us a link to the answer they said? - Jake

I'm 14 and i still havent got my period yet but my sister is 11 and she got hers yesterday:L it makes me feel awkward that she's got hers and i haven't and it makes me feel immature and slow, is there anything that can be done to speed it up?:L i just hate feeling this way:L

Unfortunately not, people develop at different rates but if you haven't had it yet, you should have it soon (Owen)

:'( I really wast to cry again, I've being working for my mum all day well what I could, but she was drunk last night.........and hadn't slept she's being drinking again today but gone out I'm worried about her because idek where she is :( she's not on her own tho

If she's not on her own she'll be okay, talk to a couple of friends so they can give you some comfort. She is a grown women, and although she should not leave you like this, can look after herself. But tomorrow, tell her how you feel about this - Jake

13 5'4 8 and a half stone please dont say this fine weight cause im fat i want to lose weight ive stopped eating i exercise everyday for 3 hoours and nothing works

By stopping eating, this isn't going to make you lose weight. You need to diet PROPERLY. This means creating a diet plan, either by yourself, of help from others, checking how many calories you eat, fat content, carbohydrates, and doing exercises specifically towards burning fat. - Jake

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/52519909094 we keep joking around, he calls me wife and I call him husband and I dont wanna stuck on this joke, yesterday I kept the conv serious and when I asked him how is he he said "fine as long as u r" is he flirtng with me?

Aww, it just sounds like he's being really sweet! He probably flirts with you quite a lot. He probably really does like you! - Jake


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