
Advice And Teen Support

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You and Pippa look really cute together >.< And dont listen to the little -insert word- you're both gorgeous!

Haha thanks :D (Owen)

but I dont want to start the sessions again owen, its not helping me. what I told him id already told my friend so it was already off my chest, he couldnt give me advice whereas my support teacher could and he was feeling sorry for me that im going throigh so much when really I dont think i am, its

Okay, these support teachers and anybody else that you come to would like to class themselves as people that are approachable and they would also like to class themselves as role models to a degree. Fact is the support teacher is going to want to help you because they want you too look to them as a role model. Anybody with the feeling of helping someone feels amazing and because of this feeling they will continue to help you. It's part of the student - teacher relationship that people have. It's normal to feel how you do, feeling that you're irritating someone, I get it from people all the time. So you need to stop telling yourself that you are and just be thankful that there is someone there that will listen and help you with your problems (Owen)

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o post a picture of yourself that nobody has seen before

I don't like taking pictures, i always look like a weirdo. But here. (Owen)

(o) make a list of the most active admins.

Well 1 is obviously going to be Jake.
2 Would be a mixture between me and Pippa
3 Tai
4 Bry (Owen)

Please help. So 2 weeks ago I stopped my counceling after 2 sessions at school. I told the teacher who organised it and she said well you still talk to your support teacher quite a lot your like a bird in a nest you havent flown off yet your still hovering. I feel that my support teacher was annoyed

She probably could be annoyed because you stopped seeing the councillor, putting more pressure on the support teacher. You should re start those sessions again - jake

How can I contact P?

In a few ways here; :)
•Kik - Pippa.Marie
Bbm - 2851C042
Facebook - you'll have to be off anon and ask for it.
Skype - Pippa.Marie
Number - if there's no other way, this is a last resort.

I had a tub of pills I kept for well reasons and I cant fine them ive looked every where I had them and they have just like gone :( I need them and I cant fucking find them why am I such a fuck up -t or -p

Honey you're not a "fuck up" you're amazing! Try to retrace your steps of where you had them. May I ask, what are they for? X

Does bio oil actually work? X

Well personally speaking i have no idea! But, it's supposed to work so I'd give it a try. (Owen)

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/52304025574 I said like, not love. Learn to read.. And I think it is possible to love more than one person. You love all your family. It is possible, but just it's impossible to love several people the same way.. ._.

That is indeed correct, but it is possible to like or love more than one person at one given time, but it's only really wrong if you're in a relationship/doing stuff with them at one time too (Owen)

CONTINUE friends with benefits but I don't know. If it'll ruin our friendship:(( and I'm still not over my ex! What the hell should I do?!

You can't let him take advantage like this, you have to tell him how you really feel okay? Before you may dosomething out of pressure you may regret! - lake

I have always liked girls more but this year I started having feels for this guy? I am so confused about it and I don't know what to do?

You don't need to do anything at all! This could mean you're bi, nothing wrong with it! Don't be worried.

Is it bad that I like 3 people? :/

Its impossible to truly love morethan one person. So i would say yeah it is - Jake

Jake describe your perfect girl, or the girl you fancy

That's personal, want to know? Kik Me - Jake


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