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how to explain depression to someone who doesn't have it?

Answered one similar below - Best thing to do is to say how it all started, and how it is that you felt, and a number of reasons why it started, and explain your life on a day to day basis, say how you feel when you wake up, and when you are at school and when you go to sleep. Also say what this is doing to you, and that to help with it you are doing (Whatever it is?) and it is causing me too (Whatever it may be) , they should get a clearer picture - Jake

Jake do you honestly think your fat or where you joking with the other anon? x

I honestly think I am, because I am:p - Jake

Ok Jake I believe Chloe when she says ur not pregnant :))))))))

Just another way of calling me fat is this? Thanksss! -Jake

How can you be 100% sure thou?

Haha seriously? Because its impossible fr him to get pregnant! He's a boy! :) trust me he's not pregnant haha - Chloe :) x

ill try but i just dont like to bring it up ..

Maybe write it down on a piece of paper then go out for a while? :) -Jake

haven't tried it because its hard to explain how depression feels...

Best thing to do is to say how it all started, and explain your life on a day to day basis, say how you feel when you wake up, and when you are at school and when you go to sleep, they should get a clearer picture - Jake

I'm getting all these hate questions about my appearance,I don't know what I can do about it I'm embarrassed to answer them and show someone but two of my friends know I told them I'll handle it.theyre hurtful questions no one really understands how I feel and negative I am about myself

Best thing to do is just to block these people. You don't need to listen to them because if they're that low they have to insult others for fun they aren't even worth reading what they have to say yeah? Stay strong - Jake

I don't have his number and we aren't that close but we are getting closer and we sometimes act flirty aha...

Well be more flirty with him! Guys always love a flirty girl:)) - Jake

I like u ALREADY, my life is REALLY GREAT and I don't have ANY problems, but I just LOVE that u like giving ADVICE, I LOVE DOING THAT ANY TIME I CAN AS WELL, I'm a girl look at my page, I'm there same age as u, LETS BE FRIENDS

Thanks! - Jake
Liked by: #candycanesCandy

how to cheer up my friend, im a girl, hes a guy, he's just came out of a relationship and i dont think he can move on just yet but i need to cheer him up?? hes so down...

Just talk to him! Tell him he is amazing and that he means the world to you! Maybe call him tonight or something? :)) will cheer him up -Jake


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