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what do u think is the right age to finger and explain how to finger

Well there's no specific age to do it at, you should do it whenever you feel like doing it (Owen)

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/50896937446 well they aren't bandages they are those like plasters with the white like stickey pad over, if you get me and some should have had steri strips on but yeah I dunno some are bad and some aren't

Put those bandages on the deepest cuts and like the little sctraches, just leave. But make sure you cover the bigger cuts because I had someone a while ago who had cut and it had got infected. Why did you cut in the first place?

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What are some tips to kiss a girl?

1. Be alone
2. Have good breath
3. Pick the right moment
4. Don't ask to kiss her
5. Take it easy, don't let you get ahead of yourself
6. Touch her; put your hand on her hips or around her waist
7. Close your eyes
8. Watch your tongue
9. Don't slobber
10. Imagine you're in a movie scene

my friends always leave me out of everything and i dont know what i hav done wrong :( when i ask them they said i did nothing but i dont understand why they wont spend time with me :( what do i do :'(

I sometimes have this problem. How I sort it is I start inviting them out places. You most likely haven't done anything wrong its just they think that you either won't have the money, won't have the time, won't like the activity they're doing etc. Try to invite them out somewhere so you're literally involved x

is it wrong to go out showing cuts and scars? im 16 and haven't done it before but im scared because I have cuts there too I have some covered with bandages but I dunno is it acceptable for me to show them still?

Personally I'd say it's not wrong. But if you did show them you'd need to be prepared for tell people why you've done it. But you also may get called an attention seeker. So it's really up to you.
If it's still a cut then I'd keep it hidden away till its scarred or faded so you don't have to deal with the name calling or people asking. But it's personal opinion. Good luck x

did you get my question about the self harm and going out? please answer :(

I'm literally about to answer it :)

Stay on pls

I am now, I've sorted all my problems, well I'll still have some obviously. But they're not too bad :)

What are some things i can do that will really turn on my guy while kissing? Were 16.

•Slight/soft lip biting
•Basically caressing his thighs(feeling around with your finger tips)
•Whispering scenarios that will make him feel turned on
•If you're standing up while kissing, push your pelvis more towards his "boy parts"
•If you're sitting down just hover your hand over his crotch and violla!

Pipa what's up with Kik & are u ok ?

Hey, nothing's wrong with kik. & I'm okay now :)
I'm back on answering questions, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

I'm the fourteen year old with the friend touching me problem I just wanted to say thank you Owen for the advice

Anytime love :) (Owen)

Childish but its really affecting me :,,( by the way were both fourteen x help

It's not stupid nor childish at all love, the thing that you need to do is just to talk to him about this and tell him that you're majorly uncomfortable with what he does. If he's such a good friend to you then he would respect that this is how you feel and then he should stop this. If it carries on alert someone so that they can do something about this instead so that he knows that you are serious (Owen)

- to me and like trying to touch my um.. Privet and grabbing my boobs and stuff and he thinks its all just a game he always laughs about and always talks dirty with me and it just makes me feel horrible and uncomfortable please help what do I do !!? :,( and I'm sorry I know its really stupid and -

Answer on part 3 (Owen)

I've been friends with this boy for 2 year and 1 year ago he told me he liked me we went out twice but it hasn't worked out were not together any more but were still really good friends he's always been the kind of boy to go round slapping girls bums and stuff but lately hes been doing it alot -

Answer on part 3 (Owen)

What's you're opinion on a fourteen year old being in a relationship with a twenty year old ? And do you think its okay for them to have a sexual relationship ?

If they're in a love, and nothing has been forced, then it's possible, but I don't particularly agree with it at this age, at 14, you're a vulnerable age. And a sexual relationship? No. - Jake

I'm not sure whether I'm bisexual or not:( Well I find girls attractive, I've had girl crushes, I've had urges to kiss girls but licking girls out and things doesn't really appeal to me so what do you think?

If you're attracted to girls and boys, then yeah, sounds like you are bisexual. It's not everyone's favourite thing to do, having oral sex with another girl. You said you were attracted to them, so this means you are bisexual, IF you have the same feelings towards guys as well? - Jake

I need to but bandages, but ive never bought them before I don't know what ones to get? they are for self harm cuts any help?

Why, what has caused you to self harm?? And look in shops or pharmacys, and look for just your average bandage at the CORRECT size, so it can easily be placed on - Jake

I want to shave my legs but I'm to embarrassed to tell my mum.. I haven't shaved before and everyone else in my year does ..

You shouldn't be embarrassed! Just say it casually to your mum, like. Hey mum I need a razor for my legs, or however you want! Or tbh, just sneak it onto the shopping list! Or tell her face to face, its a thing everyone has to do! - Jake


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