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Hey, if you get this we follow you because youre amazing, and we love you all and think youre just plain amazing, jade ♥

Aww thank you! - Jake

I probably come under 'specail circumstances'. And I cant I get rid I need them more

I mean special circumstances that I can't reply on kik. Otherwise I reply to everyone. And, patch up your cuts first. That's the first thing you gotta do okay? To stop them bleeding. Unless they're seriously deep, then hospital may be considered? Why do you need them more? If you get rid of them, it takes all of 20 seconds to throw them out the window, if that is necessary. And you won't be able to use them. I'm not saying it'll be easy. Do you have help such as a councillor? - Jake

Male admin... I'm female... I gave a guy a blowjob and was expecting his cum to "shoot" out however it kinda just, idrk, dribbled out. Is that normal? I don't know what to expect in the future. Bit of an odd question but I don't know who else to ask.

Everyone is different okay? I believe it depends on how sexually excited the man is? So if it only *dribbles out* he probably wasn't very sexually excited, as he could have been. But, it could be something different though, like I said, everyone is different okay? You'll find with other people it'll shoot out, with others it won't! - Jake

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Jake what did u take for your GCSEs?

I took history, business studies and Ict. And for A level I'm taking Ancient history, maths and a double business award - Jake

You always do. I cant get rid of them. And ibtried but keros bleeding

I always reply to every single kik message I have, unless and special circumstances, then I apologise. Otherwise I'm not receiving the messages. Do the messages say (R) for read on kik? But you have to get rid of them, by them just being there its encouraging you to do it - Jake

Jake are you intelligent?

I have taken my GCSEs and awaiting the results. I HOPEFULLY will get a couple of A's a lot of B's and a few C's - Jake

I needed help so bad:( no one was on and jake always ignores me:(.. I only had mu blades for company.. I dont kmow what to do because the cuts deep and wont sop bleeding

I never ignore anyone! If you message me on kik I'll reply okay? Your blades are only waiting to be used. You need to get rid of them straight away! If they're not there, then they can't be used okay? Make sure you patch up the cuts to stop infection okay? - Jake

What does relapsed mean? X

If somebody relapses, say for example to someone who self harms, it means things have gotten too much, and they have reverted back to self harming, like, collapsed really! - Jake

Boy admin, whens it acceptable to call a girl I talk to online, fb kik twitter etc, baby or princess etc how welk do you hav 2 know em?

Depends on what the situation is. You can call them things like, gorgeous, beautiful, babe, baby, princess if! You know them pretty well! Well enough, so you flirt a lot. But, if you're trying to cheer them up, or the girl is crying, then its acceptable, if you have a good relationship with them to call them beautiful, to make them feel good! - Jake

I relapsed after 3 months and I feel worthless

You're not worthless! 3 months is very good! But, what caused you to relapse though?? We can talk privately on kik or on here! - Jake

my best friend is my crush, and i recently told him i loved him over Facebook. he didnt reply, and (it was 1 week ago) is avoiding me since that :( what could i do? P.s im a girl x

Go up to him, and start to talk to him again! It'll be hard, but try okay? And its best to be close, even if you aren't going out - Jake

What is lubricant? how much does it cost? should a 15 year old girl use it to finger and fist herself? and where do you get it?xxxxx

Lubricant is like, kind of oily stuff used to make things more slippy. It costs about £6 upwards. Its up to you whether you use it or not, its all about personal preference. You can't get it from boots and superdrug or any pharmacy -Tai

What is a cherry hyman?

Its a layer of skin inside the v agina that gets broken during sex for the first time, or something being inserted for the First time -Tai

We're here to take the weigh off this pages shoulders seeing as pippa and Owen are away. Ask us. We are happy to always help. :D xx


I brought this boy a birthday card and a keyring and I gave it to my mate to give to him he said thanks for ther card and he said that he put he keyring on his keys he said he whould of hugged me if I gave it to him I think he likes me how ill I know

If he does lots of things like this, talks to you a lot, flirts with you. Then yeah, he probably likes you -Tai

how do you know if a guy likes you?

The most common things are that he'll flirt with you, and talk to you a lot. And want to spend a lot of time with you! - Jake

Hi there, Our advice page got hacked and we've had to start all over again. can you please share and let your followers know that we are here to help to :) Thank you ~CoCo and Luki

Teen advice and Support
Does this mean hacked? Or given to an untrustworthy person? Either, we'll share this! - Jake

I'm sick often but I need to make sure my teeth don't get bad or breathe, any sugeestions please? Xx

Use mouth wash a lot for your breath and teeth. Then just clean your teeth properly, this should be enough to look after them - Jake


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