
Advice And Teen Support

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Can someone 'pop your cherry/hymen' with their tongue?

It could be possible, but very, very unlikely. - Jake

I dont know. Now i feel awkward talking to him

Just tell him it was a joke! Put a winking face and move on quickly! Or talk to him like you forgot you even said it! He will too! - Jake

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I to,d the boy i like to prepare his anus:/ im a girl aha

You like to prepare his anus? Why'd ya say that? - Jake

How do you talk to a boy you like regularly so you can get to know him but not too much so you know him? :) (I go to=o a girl's school and he goes to a nearby boys school) x

Do you get on the same bus? Or talk to him on Facebook? Or skype? These are all ways to talk. Or text him? Then when you're close enough with each other, arrange to meet up okay? - Jake

Hey! I was wondering if you could help me with a project thing im doing? Its showing support to Self Harmers! Basically what you need to do is draw/write-stay strong, LOVE or an Infinity Sign on your wrist and send it to me? Also could you share this around so more people will know about it?<3

You Are Beautiful
I can't write things on my wrist now! Sorry, but I'll HAPPILY share this! - Jake
Liked by: You Are Beautiful

Is anyone but jake on? Need too talk to someone

Tai has got work experience, Pippa and Owen are on holiday all week. So its gonna be me most the time! Sorry! - Jake

I had told my bestfriend I cut a few months ago and she had just ignored me and stopped talking to me. We fought about this and talked it trough. I stopped cutting ages ago. But sometimes I still get mad at her for not being there,even though she doesn't know this. I just can't help it.

Remember people cannot always be there for you okay? You just have to accept that. But when she is there, make the most of it okay? That's the best thing to do - Jake

Im talking to my crush on fb and hes read my message but hasnt replied yet and I really want to talk to him but I don't wanna sound desperate, what should I do/say? :(

If he has read it and not replied, he's either forgotten about it, or doesn't wanna talk. You can always ask him a question, as a reason to talk to him? - Jake

How do you stop diarrhoea? I have a school trip tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it and have even for ages and I would hate to miss it! I've been off Thursday,Friday and Monday(today) and I really want to go on this trip tomorrow! How do you stop it :'(

There are some tablets you can get from supermarkets which can stop this from happening! - Jake

How do I talk to boys who are way more popular than me?

If you're scared to go up to them, Facebook them or text them! Just be relaxed and casual, not nervous towards them - Jake

How to get a guy hard?

Flirt with him, kiss him, touch him, play around with him in general - Jake

Owen announcement..

Advice And Teen Support
Right then, as of today me and Pippa will no longer be answering questions until Friday because we're going on holiday to Weston-super-Mare and because of this we may not have internet to come on and answer. Hope you all stay safe and you'll hear back from me on Monday and Pippa will be back answering too (Owen)

I'm in year 9 why are all the boys in my year such dicks?

Not all boys are dicks. Just a lot are, and then girls think they all are! Talk to the nervous ones, they're the nicest - Jake

My bestfriend, she's a girl, and I, who is a guy, like to practice kissing on each other, tounges and that. She wants to make a porno and so do I. She touches my dick when I'm at her house and she sometimes strips me and once or twice she bit my dick. I'm starting to have feelings for her, help!

Its not surprising, tell her you have feelings for her okay? That's the best thing you can do. You never know, she might be in the same position - Jake
Liked by: jamm

I have a friend and I've found out she's been having increasing suicidal thoughts recently, I'm really worried about her but I don't know what to do :/ at school I'm kinda the jokey one who's never taken seriously or anything and I'm really bad at heart to heart stuff... Any help?

Talk to her, find out what's going on. Tell her to get help, or tell her to tell the school okay? Always be there for her, in and out of school, let her tell you everything that's going on - Jake

I feel so lonely I'm 15 and everyone has boyfriends I really want one but I just blush and runaway whenever I see a guy and they all laugh at me and now I'm scared to talk to them again and everyone teases me how a boy would never like me because I'm immature. How can I get one fast

You can't get a boyfriend fast. It takes however long it takes okay? If the boy likes you, he'll probably be nervous around you as well! You just have to wait for that perfect man! - Jake

Be getting surgery on them and I have bad knees aswell - due to my ankle problem.. But I feel as if I need to make them worse and I need cause ¥y self pain but I have no idea why?:/ am I techniclly selfharming? How can I stop? I don't want to get help from professionals tho? X x (2 of 2)

If you haven't started self harming, that's good. If you ever feel the need to self harm. Go downstairs, relax, get a drink. Or do your hobbies? This will take your mind off of it. Once you start self harming, things get a whole lot worse! - Jake


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