
Advice And Teen Support

Ask @Teensupport365

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Shut up and get cancer

Excuse me?
What right do you have to say that?
Cancer is not something to joke about. You do not wish that on people. It's a serious illness that kills so many people. My grandad died from cancer, my best friend's mum died from cancer! D'you understand how horrible that is for people to have to go through? For their families to go through? You're basically wishing death on us and that is not something you do. Nobody deserves to die. We dedicate our time to help people who need it. Whereas you sit behind your computer screen telling people they should die. Could you be a worse person? Get the fuck off this page, you disgust me!
Liked by: millie Soph

would you say that someone with blonde hair, blue eyes and a thigh gap is attractive?

Personally, I would (I'm bi)
Would you prefer a guys opinion? -Tai
Liked by: Haz

Because a) I liked the girl for over 2 years now! and he just get her to like her like that it was a dick move and there making me feel like shit and worthless:(( I don't know how to cope if they do go out with each other?

Talk to them both, tell them how it would make you feel if they got back together. You don't have to say that you like her, you could just say you'd be left out and its not fair on you. If they both love each other then there's not much you can do, but you have a chance now to say something before they get together -Tai

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I really like this boy but hes 16 and i am only 13 he said he likes me to and hes has asked me out i am now with him but he wants to finger me what shall i say because hes 3 years older than me and my mother would kill me if she found out! What shall i do\???

I think you're too young and should wait for a bit, explain this to him and he should understand. However, if you feel that you are 100% sure and ready then you do what you feel is right -Tai

What are the sings of anxiety?x

Pounding heart
Stomach upset or dizziness
Frequent urination or diarrhea
Shortness of breath
Tremors and twitches
Muscle tension
Feelings of apprehension or dread
Trouble concentrating
Feeling tense and jumpy
Anticipating the worst
Watching for signs of danger
Feeling like your mind’s gone blank -Tai


Advice And Teen Support
I agree with Pippa, it's completely pathetic.
Anon, you're insulting someone you don't even know and you're doing it anonymously. Could you be more of a coward and a twat? What you said isn't even true. Jake is such a nice guy and he spends most of his time on this site giving advice to people who need it. He's ugly? Yeah that's why he gets people asking if he's single and calling him hot. Besides I bet you look a right site compared to him any day. If you're gonna insult someone and say things that aren't even true, have the decency to come off anon instead of hiding behind a computer screen like a prick
Liked by: Soph Haz

what is anxiety, can you try to explain it simple because i found out my mum has it but i dont even know what it is:/

Anxiety is when a person has a regular feeling of unease, and being uncomfortable or nervous. Sometimes this can lead to panic attacks -Tai

i have something but happening tonight right and this boy who i fancy is gonna be there! I wanna talk to him but loads of his mates are always around me help!

Just be confidentn, go up to him and ask him a question about soething such as the music or something. If you do this with confidence him and his friends will be impressed! -Tai

I really want to kiss my crush. I told him a while ago that i like him, and he said to me and all of our other mates that he fancies me aswell! The problem is though, is that his older sister is one of my closeish friends, and i wouldnt really want to know what she has to say! What should i do? P1


P2 Should i ask him out? Should i kiss him? Should i tell him how i feel? How do i find out who he likes? Thanks pleasseee help

Tell him how you feel. If he says he likes you back, go for it and ask him out. But if he says he doesn't, you're just gonna have to accept that sorry. But you don't know unless you try x
Bryony xx


Okay right, I'm not supposed to be on answering a question, but seriously.
Firstly, do not insult a person that is THERE for people. You try doing this.
How is he a cunt? He's lovely&soso kind.
He's ugly? Do you know how many people have asked if he was single and have called him good looking?
Please either shut up or get off anon. Ta :)
~Over and out.
Bye for now guys :)
Liked by: Soph

Heyya,I feel so guilty.my friend was textingme last night saying she was going to kill herself, she described what she wants to do to herself. I managed to talk her out of it but I told her to tell her bf about it. But now they are arguing. I feel horrible did I do the wrong thing? Thanks xx

That's the best thing to do, they will argue but they'll get over it, and they will most likely help each other get through this okay? - Jake x
Liked by: megan hobbs

why is my tummy so hairy? like I'm a girl and it's really weird..it's under my belly button and it's really embarrassing. I can't shave it or it will come back darker. what should I do?

Waxing will get rid of it and it shouldn't grow back fast or dark. But its nothing to be ashamed of, you probably can't even see it -Tai

I eat so much but i stay skinny why is this happening.

You're very lucky to have a fast metabolism -Tai

I still ate though? I could have eaten nothing instead of eating I have a drink instead like a glass of orange or water to fill me up

Its not good enough for you, you need to eat a balanced diet which involves eating a meal at least 3 times a day -Tai
Liked by: megan hobbs

Well I have eaten. Ate a brunch bar :) but not eating again tonight hopefully maybe a piecr of bread with a tomatoe but that's it :P

You're not doing yourself ANY good. -Tai
Liked by: megan hobbs

I know people care, but I always feel like they don't .. Could this be part of anxiety or?

It is a factor of anxiety, but its hard to say, it could just be you feeling down. Just remember to keep telling yourself that loads of people care about you! They really do -Tai

Can you tell me how to do dreadlocks in your hair ? I have medium lenght straight hair :) thanks!!

I only have one dreadlock so I don't know if this will work for the whole head, but get a strand of hair and backcomb it over and over again until it looks like a cloud and its all puffy, then twist it really tight all the way to the root of your hair, then to seal it get a wet cloth and wrap it round your dread and go down it with straighterners. The steam will hold it together :) -Tai

If you have a bruise is it normal to have bump under the skin? I can feel a bump if I feel over it is this just bruised tissue?xx

Yup, its nothing to worry about -Tai


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