
Advice And Teen Support

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If you use a tampon does it mean ur not a virgin

You don't lose your virginity by using a tampon - Jake

you guys do a amazing job! keep it up. just here to say if any of you need anything then we are here to help you. same to your followers xxx

Thank you! - Jake x

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i am eating healthily i need to lose weight

If you feel you need to lose weight then by eating healthily is a very good way, why do you feel you need to lose weight? - Jake

Do boys like it when you flirt?with them

I guess its a personal thing, but I think most guys like it when girls flirt with guys, and vice versa - Jake

I need to cut.. I haven't for 4days and I need to like right now :( and social services, Barnados and my teacher fro school are having. Meeting about my cutting and suicidal thoughts I'm scared :(

Why do you need to cut right now? What is causing you to cut? And just remember, all these people meeting up, are here to HELP you okay? They'll do anything they can to HELP you and get you back on track, try to work with them! - Jake
Liked by: Advice and Support

if I told camhs that I have tried to kill my self like 3 times and I self harm and I want to die what will they do ?

They will try to help you as much as possible, and use available resources and knowledge to help you out - Jake

For the girl about periods, it's not normal as my mum gets her period every 8 weeks in the same month. I'd advise you to go the doctors and get put on the pill or summit (hope that helps)

Thank you - Jake
Liked by: brooke hobbs

Is CAMHS good? Does it work? The doctors telling me to go after I went today about my self harm.

A lot of people say it doesn't help, some people say its great, but when you go there. .they're designed and trained to help you okay? But YOU gotta make sure you work with them, then they'll help you to the best of your ability, and get these problems solved as a team - Jake

Is to normal to have two periods in one mothb

Has this happened before? It does occur a occasionally, but if you're very worried, you can get it checked with your GP - Jake

Awh thanks jake. I'll try that! But what types of chemicals? Xx

I have only heard that there are chemicals of a sort, or creams, or whatever. But I wouldn't recommend that. I would say try to keep your mouth, busy. Like chewing a ruler or something! Its the easiest, anyone can do it! And its cheap! - Jake

How do I get red of my spots? I have millions and I hate them

This is hard to answer, as different creams work for different people. Personally clearasil works for me! But what everyone can do, is wash their face regularly with water! To keep it as clean as possible! - Jake

I like da, he's gorgeous. Shame he's gay! Hehe!-;)

He's a good character! Not too bossy or impressing people, but he's cool :P. - Jake

Are any of you guys in a relationship or fancy anyone?

Owen and Pippa are in a relationship. Tai fancys Megan fox! And I may like someone :P.Bry? I'm not sure! - Jake

What's a good way to stop noting nails?

Biting nails? Well, I admit, I use to, some people put chemicals (professional non harmful ones) so they taste horrible. Some people wear gloves. But what I did, was I kept myself busy, also my mouth busy as well! I chewed a ruler, this helped a lot! But that might only be specific to me - Jake

I've got a girlfriend and I'm in love with her but it seems she doesn't really trust me. I told her nearly everything but to her it's like she dislikes me :( and I feel horrible for it, I told her how I felt but she says she does but she can't tell me what's on her mind

brooke hobbs
Sometimes people just don't wanna talk to anyone about anything Brooke okay? Give her some time, tell her that you're there and will do anything to help her! And maybe ask her again tomorrow or the next day - Jake

How can I tell if people such as my friends actually do care?

They will check to see if you are okay, and will instantly tell if something is wrong, and won't hesitate to help you out! - Jake

Who do u wanna win jake? Or who do u like?

Personally, I like Dan, I think he deserves to win! - Jake


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