
Advice And Teen Support

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i have never had sex or anything but i have missed my period for 2 month and i am pregnant but have never had sex.i am scared because i am only 13:(

You say you are pregnant, have you taken a pregnancy test? The best thing to do is to tell people, parents? Or your guardians? This is the best thing to do, tell people that you're scared that you haven't been on your period, I know it'll be hard, but that's the best thing to do! - Jake

i self harmed for the first time, and it really stings and bleeding alot :( help

Just keep pressure on it, keep a tissue or something similar over it, this should stop the bleeding. And if you can, put a bandage over it after! What caused you to self harm for the first time? - Jake

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i really like this boy right and i done something stupid (can't say) and now he can't show his face around me! i hate it because i really love him. what should i do?

Well if this guy really loves you then he should forgive you no matter what the nature of what happened was. If he can't forgive you then your relationship will not work out, in order for it to work you both have to trust each other. (Owen)

owen or jake-what do i do when i have a boyfriend but my best guy friend says he's in love with me?

Well this all depends, do you have feelings for your best guy friend or do you just see him as a friend, and if you do have feeling for him then you have to decide who you want to be with more, who do you love more. The best way to determine this is to write a list, one on your boyfriend and one on your best friend, write all the good points that you like about them and write all the bad points too. Give it a couple of days and whoever you have the most feelings for after that go for them. But if you don't like your best friend like that then tell him you don't and stay with your boyfriend (Owen)

2. Cont. I feel I'm not ready and don't know how to explain this to him because he is and wants it more than me. We're old enough and trust eachother but I don't know how to build up to it or even explain how I feel as i know it's what he wants

All you have to do is sit him down and explain how you feel. Tell him that you want to be with him and that you will be ready some day, but not right now. Explain that its nothing to do with him and that its just how you feel. He should be understanding about it -Tai

1. Hi erm basically I'm a bit confused. I've been on and off with a guy for ages as were on good terms again now. Saw eachother and told eachother we love eachother. Known eachother a few years and I love him a lot but he wants to take our relationship further physically but I feel I'm not ready


Im confused and scared and im not sure if im just a tad bi-curious or bisexual i dont believe im lesbian cuz i like boys... A lot but recently i have been having strange feelings for other girls that ive thought to supress but they are reoccurring.

This might mean you're bisexual! Or it may well be a phase, either way its nothing to be scared about -Tai

I havent been having my period for 4 months,never had any sex or anything,am worried,help x

Things such as your diet can affect periods. Also if you haven't been getting them for more than a year they are still likely to be irregular. Speak to your doctor and see what they can do to help -Tai

I'm going to the doctors about my self harm for the first time tomorrow. I'm really scared. What do they ask? What do they do?

There's nothing to worry about, you"l be fine. Well done for going! They'll ask things sych as; why did you do it? How? When? How often? They'll just talk to you about it -Tai

Hello there, I have started up this account which us designed to help people with problems in their lives! Would you please help me get my point across and raise awareness and help me get started! Your page is a success, I want mine to be too! Thank you

Support for You

Jake is lush pippa, leave it;) x

Aww thank you whoever this is! I just came on for one moment, even though I'm having some time off, just to see what was going on and saw this, Aww, pop up whoever said this? Made my night - Jake

One of the girls: I'm scared to use a tampon but I have a swim meet tomorrow, what should I do?

Well either you don't go or you buy the tampons, they have instructions of how to put them in


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