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I have a really horrible hobby where i like to look at pictures of girls feet.. I do happen to be a girl. And one of my friends found out and they were scared.. How do i stop this yuck hobby?

It sounds like a fetish, which is nothing to be ashamed of. However if its really bothering you, just deprive yourself of it, completely cut it off -Tai

Making conversations with people how?x

Just say hi to them, or ask them questions about something -Tai

I want a six pack or a "beach body" so I start to workout but I always lose interest. And I can't stop eating and go to bed late. How can I stay motivated on my workouts?

Right down what you want to do as a workout, and make a chart so you have to tick off every thing you do, you could also reward yourself everytime you workout -Tai

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Could i be anemic? I have these symptoms....: Heavy periods Very pale Easily ill Always tired Short of breathe (mild asthma) My nails literally flake off and are soo easy to snap and break off! Please help, i am so very worried

It does sound like anemia, its nothing to be worried about! But get yourself to the dctors to double check and they'll give you iron tablets which will help you get bettter -Tai

I really need to start making new friends, what is a good way to do that?x

Start conversations with people more, become more comfortable with doing so and you'll be making friends in no time -Tai

whats a good way to start fresh? like be more confident and forget about stuff in the past if you know what I mean?

Change something about your apperence, it can make you feel like a new person! -Tai

> really really self conscious but I don't want to go ill because ages ago I was making my self sick and cutting my self ive got past that now so I don't want to go back so how can I lose weight the healthy way ? sorry I know it's stupid but it's really getting me down .. thanks xx

First of all its not stupid! And secondly, you are a perfect weight for your age and height and shouldn't feel self concious at all! But the most effective way to lose weight is a healthy balanced diet and a mix of cardio and muscle workouts every other day -Tai

I'm 5ft 5,6 and im 14 I weigh 8 and a half stone :( im going on holiday soon and I can wait but where im going I really hot so im going to be going swimming and going to be going around in shorts the idea of that makes me want to cry and I don't know what to do I really want to lose weight im >


hey could I please become an admin, i love helping people and giving advice, I have done it so much in the past and recently, and I can refer back to what it was like for me to try and help others in my perspective, i won't let you down <3

Thank you for the offer hun, but we don't need any admins atm<3

People think im lesbian/bisexual because i always defend gays and the way my hair is and by the way i dress. i end in fights with people when they call me a lesbian i have nothing against being gay clearly but i just dont want to beaccused of it when im straight

As long as you know the truth, who cares what they think? But instead of getting angry at them just laugh it off. Its completely understandable though -Tai

I took the pills because I want to throw up and one of the side effects is vomiting.

Taking pills is really serious, and unnecesary vomiting is really bad for your stomach. We're here for you to talk to if you feel the need to do this again -Tai

T- I text him alllll the time, I occasionally see him outside of school and he's decided that school can f*** it, but thank you for all your help x

I agree with him, I think that if he helps you, you should be allowed to talk to him. Just be careful, just in case he is a bad influence &its fine! Anytime! -Tai

it's made me feel really down all I wanted was a hi from her and I haven't messaged her either because I wanted her to message me first but she hasn't :(

Honey, you need to message her first. Maybe she's worried and wants to give you space to sort yourself out before she speaks to you? I hope you're feeling better sweet x

I just took 7 pills, 5 paracetamol and 2 cold and flu pills.. Is this enough to kill me? I don't have any more :/

No its not going to kill you. But why did you do that? -Tai

I was in a car crash 2 days ago and all my friends know because I told them and they all said I hope you get better or are you okay but this one friend I didn't tell her she found out on her own and she was supposed to be one of my closest friends she hasn't even messaged me hey and I don't know --


I'm feeling really down nowadays, and I don't know why

How old are you? It depends on your age. Puberty is a major part in this. You just need to entertain yourself, do a sport or a hobby that you enjoy doing to make you be happy. :) has anything upset or annoyed you recently?

anyone online i need some help i really dont know what im doing :'(

Hey sweet. What's up?x

i cannot imagine myself being with a boy or doing anything with a boy but i cannot imagine myself being with a girl or doing anything with a girl either.

You might just not be ready yet, or might not be into anyone, or you could be asexual. But as you grow this is likely to change -Tai
Liked by: _cassiee_

T- he has a bad reputation but for me he's all that works and yeah I do but they don't help as much, he seems to say the right things and do the right things

Can you talk to him outside of school? -Tai

how can you tell if your a lesbian

If you only have any kind of attraction to girls, and cannot imagine yourself being with a boy or doing anything with a boy then you're probably a lesbian -Tai

T - I've already tried apparently the boy is bad for me, and when I need him most is Normally at school and if im seen with him, I get screamed at by my head of year, she already knows everything that's happened and how he helps but im still not allowed any where near

Why do they think he's bad for you? They could be doing it for your own good. Is there anyone else you have to talk to? -Tai


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