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I'm a bit worried my friend likes this older guy who is about 15 and she is 12! They message on facebook and they both ice skate at the same place and met there and he's now asked her if they want to go out to eat afterwards one time and it's just a bit weird? She thinks he likes her what do u think

Sounds like they do like each other, is she nearly 13? That age difference isn't too bad, but she needs to be careful - Jake

I'm 14, 5 foot 2, and I weigh 114 pounds... I feel overweight because all my friends weigh a lot less than me... One of them weighs 90 pounds... Am I overweight???

Nah, you're not overweight, it all depends on height, and just general body shape, nothing to worry about - Jake

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had enough of life now:( got no one:'( cant wait to die

What's happened? What's caused you to be like this? - Jake

I'm not allowed to date Sometimes it bothers me but at other times I don't mind I like a guy but I know that my parents will never change their minds because they want to protect me I tried explaining it to the guy I like he got mad at me accused me of dating another guy I don't understand why:(

Sounds like this guy just doesn't trust you, and so he doesn't deserve you. - Jake

Please do not post this! Owen I need you! I'm struggling. to cope and my head is not right:'( I can't stop crying and I'm getting that bad I can hardly breathe, please message me!x

I'm sorry, i don't know who this is love, I can't message you when you're on anonymous but if you come off, i will message you then i will delete the question (Owen)

Grandads Funeral Today Good Service I Will Never Forget You & I Miss You So Much ♥ xx

I'm sorry to hear about his death, hope everything is okay - Jake Xx

I keep falling in love with people older than me, and it hurts so much

You can't help who you fall in love with, but you gotta think to yourself, will this really work? sometimes you gotta let them go, so it stops you from getting hurt even more, when it doesn't work out - Jake

I cut my legs, stomach and arms all the time, its an addiction. But everyone at school has found out and they've started calling me names, I see the school counsellor but it's like shes against me too, my parents have fallen out with me for cutting and there's no one left to help, i just want to die

Your school councillor is there to help you. It probably feels like the councillor against you if you are not working with the councillor. You need to get this sorted. If you stop the cutting, with the help of your councillor, or possibly get yourself other help, a different councillor, then the name calling will stop, and relationships will be built again - Jake

One of my best friends is always reading fanfics whenever she's hanging out with me. She does it in public too, she'll just constantly be reading. She comes in and out of conversations a lot. I've talked to her about it and she just laughs it off. It's super annoying! What do I say/do?

Just say to her, that you want to spend some quality time with her, without the reading at all. I feel like im being left out a bit, or not really talking to you properly, and that you want to have a PROPER day with her. - Jake

I don't mind who answers this, but I'm a 13 year old girl, 5'1" and I weigh 6 stone. I don't really eat much anymore and I'm exercising roughly four hours a day. My friends say I have a disorder and they're trying to make me eat. What do you think?

This is, quite a bit on the low side, but not actually classified as underweight due to your height. It is very likely you are going to grow though, and if you continue to carry on like this, by not eating, you will find yourself becoming underweight very quickly, possibly within the next year or so. By not eating, I can't say its a disorder, it has to be diagnosed professionally, but i'll tell ya, if you carry on like this, you will become underweight - Jake

J-the thing is though, i think im in love with him, i honestly dont know what to do, it hurts so much, ive been in a situation like this before

What did you do in the situation before?? - Jake

jake i am upset because i argued with my parents and i don't want to say why but its really upsetting me and i think i have bruised my hand because i wacked it again my wall

Why did you whack your hand against the wall? - Jake

I e tried but I'm scared of properly confronting him incase it starts an argument

It shouldn't start an argument, he's your friend and should be understanding. Even if it does start an argument it shouldn't completely ruin your friendship, and at least you'll get your point across -Tai

I'm hot all Yeh time like baking and sweet really bad what shall I do

Go speak to a doctor, it could just be a fever but you want to make sure -Tai

I'm really strange... There's nothing wrong with my life, infact it's amazing really! The only thing is I worry about everything and get stressed really easily. This makes me want to cut sometimes but I don't want to. But say I have a bad ankle, I'll try and make it worse... Idk why though...

You should speak to someone sweety. We're here to talk whenever, but maybe you should talk to your parents about it -Tai

I have other friends. I just miss him so much. He was the best friend I e ever had. And he's still there for me when I need him the most. Like the other week he practically saved my life. I just miss talking to him when it's not only because I have a problem. Having a normal conversation

Tell him this! Its not fair for him to blank you, you need to try and get the message across! -Tai

It's sports day at school tomorrow an I hate sport because I'm terrible at it I want to take the day off school but I won't be allowed what should I do?? X

Just go for it! Do the best you can, you might even end up having fun -Tai
Liked by: Lulu Regan

T-I've tried confronting him so many times and he never says anything he just changes the subject. Although I never really get chance to confront him now anyway because he's always with all the popular people and he ignores me. And I'm scared of confrontation incase it starts an argument

Well tbh, he doesn't sound like a very good friend. Maybe you should leave him for a bit, make some other friends who will stick with you -Tai


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