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i ahev no fuckign clue how to put a condom on, and what if i don't get a boner becuase i'm worrying about not getttign a boner and i end up like inbetweners slapping ym cock

If you're sexually attracted to this person, then you will get an erection so no need to worry about that. If you are worrying about putting a condom on. Get practice beforehand- Jake

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These guys are good and amazing at advice theyve helped me through loads so if you you dont like it then go away!!! Much love jade xx ♥♥

Thank you! - Jake xx

Me and my boyfriend don't see eachother a lot. We live in different neighborhoods and go to different schools. The only way we can see eachother is through our friends. But one of us always ends up canceling last minute. We want to see eachother more often but idk how. Help?

Arrange for you two to meet half way then. Just you two! so you both travel a shorter distance, and spend the whole day easier! Rather than having to go with friends as well! - Jake

I really like this guy and we talk often..he knows I like him and tells me he doesnt want anything but then he is always talking to me and making me feel like we're together but then I see how he wants other girls and I feel like he's stringing me along but I dont know what to do :/

If he is doing this with other girls AND says he only wants to be friends. Accept that, and treat him like a friend, and he should treat you like a friend back okay? - Jake

I've been feeling kind of good for two days but someone just sent me ' your a fucked emo errrrrrrrrrrrrr' on my ask and I feel shit again, its things like this that make me wonder why i bother:/

Just remember - You are better than them! They have nothing else to do apart from say that. So stay strong okay? And enjoy your life without these lowlifes interfering, - Jake

hard to explain,but im 14 and been with my boyfriend 9 months, and ive done stuff with him...sexually, but i wanted to and was ready for it, was it wrong?

If both are you were ready for it, and were safe and used protection, then It is not wrong. But remember the legal age in the UK is 16. - Jake

i haven't seen my boyfriend in other 2 weeks and when i do seem him their always seems to be a gap this long and we hardly spend much time together, he says its because of his parents going through a divorce but i don't see how it is? surely he could make a few hours in a week to see me.. Im really

Tell him this! Tell him how you feel! Try and be understanding though because a divorce can really affect soe people -Tai

Right I'm 14 and my boyfriend is also 14 he wants me too toss him off but I don't know if I want too. If I say no I KNOW 100% it will ruin our relationship but we've been together for 2 years and I love him:'(

If you don't want to do it or you don't feel ready he should understand. That shouldn't ruin your relationship -Tai

Would be really helpful if you could share this page or just answer it, it helps anyone who needs it and im here for everyone. thank you <3

help2love’s Profile PhotoLove

I keep pulling bits of my hair out, I'm doing it more regularly when I'm stressed especially now I've stopped self harming in the last month. Please can you give me ideas of how to stop?x

Its just you finding another coping mechanism other than self harm. But you need to stop, try getting a hobby or even buying a stress ball and using that when you feel like you need to pull your hair -Tai

Why do I randomly start cryin?

Possibly puberty, possibly you're going through a hard time? Emotions are out of control, have you had any bad experiences recently? - Jake

I'm getting a blowjob at the movies, I'm 13 and I'm afraid my dick is small. But I really want one. What should I do?

If you feel comfortable with the girl doing this, then she shouldn't worry about the size. I'm sure it's fine, but, it's your choice - Jake

I want to thank my boyfriend for helping me stop SH but i haven't told him he has..

Just be confident and tell him okay? Everything will be fine - Jake

CAHMS do help if you ask properly. Thats what there for. Tohelp people like you and me. You have to do it for youself. Otherwise it wontwork as the feelings for xoing it for someone else wont be strong enough. Karagh

^^ Personally i don't like CAHMS but they do help a lot of people (Owen)

.......but they don't help at all id rather struggle to stop than see them what can I do ?

Personally speaking i think CAHMS are pretty useless, but the real way to actually stop self harming is simple. Just do something that you enjoy doing like a sport or hobby just to take your mind off of self harming. Because if you're mind is busy and you're distracted you'll be less willing to do it. (Owen)

my self harm is getting gout of control again, my arm isn't an arm any more and its making me feel ill looking at what ive done :( I hate it im trying to stop ive had the list of things but nothing really works I told the nurse im struggleing and she said shed get me an appointment for CAMHS .......


I have paracetomal in my purse for when i'm on the blob, people think i'm like a drug addict bc i have loads of them there, but i don't take them all the time, is this weird?

Nope! I personally find this quite clever!
Liked by: Shauna Luan


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