
Advice And Teen Support

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T Hey, advice? I think I'm depreaaed, I don't want professional help ect im fine by myself, I wannaa tell a couple of my close m8s(female) just to see if thwy can support me , but i dont want it to seem like I wabt attention or something , I'm a boy

Okay, if you think you're depressed then talking to a professional would be a good idea. However until you're ready you need to have someone to talk to. So maybe go to one of your clostest friends and tell just them for now. If they're good friends then they won't judge or think its attention seeking -Tai <3

is there anyway to stop yourself from going red when you get embarrassed? like whenever im at school and someone asks me something ill go bright red and i dont like it:( is there anyway to stop?

Unfortunately not, the best thing to do is to just think positive. If something embarrassing happens then try to either laugh it off or just relax, think that its over and there's no need to fret -Tai

so i havent self harmed in like a year and then I did it today like 4 times and i dont even know why i just did it and now im really angry but i dont want to start doing it all again like last time because it was really bad :(

You don't need it, you're stronger than that. What happened to make you relapse? We're here if you want to talk -Tai

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i saw an armed robbery the other day and ever since I have been scared leaving the house and being alone, why?

You've witnessed something very traumatic, its normal to be shaken up about it. Try and find someone who can help you, like a close friend or family member -Tai

I'm 14 and my vagina is really tender itchy and sore

It could be from the soap you're using or from tight clothing. Its probably completely normal. There's things you can get in pharmacies for it. If it goes on for ages go to your gp -Tai

Why dose my head hurt when i head bang?

Could possibly be all blood rushing to your head?

I told my school nurse over email I was feeling suicidal(again) and I couldn't get suicide and self harm off my mind what will happen? I'm 16 and have just left school? :S SHE TOLD ME TO TRY AND TAKE MY MIND OFF THINGS BUT I CAN'T..SORRY FOR THE CAPS DIDN'T MEAN IT :l

http://ask.fm/Teensupport365/answer/38683561958 - try these sweetie pie x

i fancy this guy, he flirts with me, but all my friends say its a joke, it clearly is though, he bitched about me before but i really like him, hes really nice and hot, ughh, want to ask him out but i cant :(

Why not just literally talk to him? Say you like him maybe?

I tried masturbating but I didn't hav an orgasm - didn't even produce any juice. Wat am I doing rong or am I just too young?

How old are you sweetie?

But i really do like him it's just the way he acts so grown up is just too much he acts as if we're married or something! And i really don't want to hurt his feelings :( but he's taking it too seriously we're only 13

Then just tell him, you want to have some fun, flirt with him! Just gotta remember, you gotta find that perfect guy! Tell him how you feel, treating you like you're married! - Jake

...time i feel 100% joy is when i train at the club, but i obviously cant do that all the time! Please give me some tips to feel better in my self, and the way i look at life (for jake again) sorry for so many messages

Don't start with the self harming, when you do start, your life goes downhill, and you won't want to self harm, you have to! Just to get through life, which is why its hard to break it. The best thing to do to stay happy is test things out. See what you like doing! Try many things you can do inside! If you don't like them, that's fine! If you find you don't mind something, then that's great! Try creative things, such as creating stuff, by drawing, or building, whatever! And you'll be proud and happy of what you've created! And the way you look? Don't worry about it! I'm sure you look great, someone will love you for who you are! - Jake

Ok so my boyfriend has become really clingy and obssessive. He sends me huuge paras on facebook about his 'love' for me and always says he misses me so much when i dont reply to him for a while or havent spoken to him much at school and one time he said he was talking to his dog about me! Help!

You gotta be stern with him and say, stop! I like you as a friend, but we'll only ever be friends! Be stern okay? - Jake

how long does it normally take for self harm cut to heal? i cut my leg, side and wrist the other say and i need it to heal so i can do it again and so people won't see at the weekend :'(

Depends how deep you cut. But, its very unlikely it'll heal by the weekend - Jake

I possibly have annorexia, is it normal that i dont want to sort things out because i'll be made to eat when i dont want to & will put weight on?

Why don't you want to put on weight? - Jake

Life is pretty crap atm, not really like suicidal crap, just a bit! I am always tired and bored unless i am doing my favourite sport! I have self harmed once, but NO ONE knows, and it really hurt but i dont know if it helped! I am not sure if i am going to do it again though..... Plz help! :( sorry

Would you like to talk to me about it on kik in more detail? - Jake

How do u masturbate (I'm a girl)

Make sure you've got lots
of time, and privacy.
Strip naked and lie back
on your bed and spread
your legs. Think about
sex, cuddling, boys. Begin
by lightly stroking your
vagina lips up and down
and just inside so that you
loosen up and get juicy.
Its important to get juicy
(or use lube). Take your
time! Keep up the gentle
stroking, moving your
finger tips around. As you
get more excited move
your finger tips to your
clitoris - the little peak
just inside your vagina
near the top. That's the
most sensitive part but
don't go there too early.
Lightly stroke it, often a
circular motion works
best, but pause from time
to time going back to
your vagina lips. Relax!
Soon an orgasm will start
to rise - then explode -
WOW! After your orgasm
lie back enjoying the
afterglow, then treat
yourself to another. Your
body will be much more
ready and sensitive
second time, and your
second orgasm could well
be better than your first (Owen)

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Liked by: Ashlei Allen

Hi all, I'm on holiday till like Saturday now, woo! I have enough internet to use kik easily. This takes a bit longer, so will not use this, feel free to ask me anything on kik ( Catman_Jake ) - Jake x

Advice And Teen Support
- Jake

Okay, now I just need to build up the courage to kik you. Someone told me to kik them 3 days ago and I still haven't been able to because I'm scared hah..

Ah :P or if you give me your kik name? I'll add you, but delete the question?

You're the one being awkward! haha I really don't mind. I have kik if you do and you want to talk there

I have kik, my name is "PhillipaMarie"


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