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I'm on the border of underweight and healthy weigh but I don't want to put on any weight

why not? - Jake

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cant though:/ its a mental thing:( i self harm aswell so pretty much it wont affect me as bad

Why do you self harm? - Jake

I'm 14,female,5'8-9, 11-12stone is that ok?

This is overweight, but only just, would recommend losing a few pounds, but not many - Jake

How do you get acrylic nails off?!

"Don't rip them off! That is so damaging!
Only pure acetone will work. Not hot water, not vinegar, not polish remover.
Pour some acetone in a glass bowl and soak the nails. You will have to do one hand at a time. Soak for about 20 minutes then without removing your nails from the acetone, use an orangewood stick or cuticle pusher to scrape off the softened product. Soak and scrape until it's all off.
If the acrylics have a gel overlay you will need to file the nail to break that seal otherwise no amount of soaking in acetone will work.
Afterwards, you can use a very fine grit buffing block to smooth out your nails."

oh it was kinds important, about the knuckles and hand erm never mind then

Oh yes I saw that one! I'm pretty sure it got answered didn't it? - Jake
Liked by: Chloeee_x

JAKE 4'11, 10 stone, female, 14 year old!!

For someone of your weight and height, the bmi, says you are obese. Whether this is the case or not, but you are likely to grow a lot and slim out - Jake

how many un answered questions do you have? I sent one before and didn't wright a name on it will someone still answer?

We have 4 unanswered, if I can't answer it, then I leave it until someone who can answer it comes on - Jake

fuckkkkk I just pulled my little finger and pulled it back by accident and it made a crunch sound did it dislocate?

No it's probably fine. I do it at least twice a day. But don't do it as a habit because it can cause problems with your joints
Bry x

you dont know me though so you dont know if i'm fat or not.. i cant help it anymore x

From what you have said, I know you're not fat - Jake

but i'd rather be underweight and know im skinny then out on a bit of weight and get called fat:'( x

You would rather RISK your own health, which will cause problems in later life, than get called thing that are false? Put on the weight. And remember, you're NOT. That's right, NOT fat - Jake

then it works doesnt it? as soon as the doctors say i've put on enough weight then i dont have to go there anymore, so i will put weights in my clothing so they will soon sign me off, i'd rather carry on the way i am then be called fat ever again even if it means never eating:/ x

No! Don't do that! Because you're underweight! Tbh that's worse than being fat. Look, the dieticians are there to make you a HEALTHY WEIGHT. - Jake


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