
Advice And Teen Support

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because i'm forever getting called fat and being out down, getting compliments from the doctors helps me and makes me smile, yes i know what i'm doing isnt right but i cant control it now :/

They only say you're fat because the bullies know itgets to you! Whether its true or not! You gotta show them it doesn't get to you! - Jake

Female,14,5'7",almost 9st i think but scared of weighing myself aha

This is a very healthy weight! Nothing to worry about - Jake

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oh haha, i've been to dietitions i just fake my weight by putting heavy items in my pockets or bra so they dont notice and think ive put weight on:/

Why do you do that? They can't help you that way! - Jake

yeah, i think im just going to wait until things die down and talk to her, but helped alot thankyou x

:) - Jake x

hm:/ i have anorexia though so its partly my fault i cant put on weight:/ x

I'm not saying it's your fault at all! i'm just saying, weight is needed to be put on. If you book an appointment with a dietician, they should be able to help you x

16 years old, 5'5", female, 5st 10lbs

This is highly underweight for someone of your age, if you need help putting weight on, see a dietician or come talk to us, we can try our best! - Jake

Female, 17, 5 stone, 5foot 4inch!?x

This is highly underweight for someone of your age! If you need help to put on weight, go see a dietician, or talk to us, we can try our best to help - Jake

5'4", 13 years, female, 9st6lbs

This is borderline healthy weight/overweight. Nothing to worry about as it's likely you will grow and slim out - Jake

Female 16, 6 1/2 stone, 5ft 3inch?

For someone of your age, this is underweight. You will need to put about another 7-9 pounds at least to become a healthy weight - Jake

i'm 6 ft and way 4 and a half stone, am i overweigh, all I see is fat so I stopped eating

You're 6ft and you weigh 4 and a half stone? I can tell that is seriously underweight. And you need to seek medical attention soon. - Jake

160cm, 14year old girl, 10.4stone?

This is overweight for someone of your height and age according to the BMI. - Jake

5 foot 5 8 and a half stone? Is that an ok weight to be at? Im 12

This is a healthy weight for someone of your height and age - Jake

SAMSUNG SUCK Listen to me I have the S4 i had the S3 they're both disappointments! DON'T GET EITHER Go for the HTC One or iPhone 5

Nobody Asked for your opinion. I know a lot of people with the S3 and S4, and they are very good phones. - Jake

so my mum has just told me she cant live with me anymore and that i'm too much to handle, i know i'm hard to handle but im going through alot, she knows this, but i'm really scared, i have no idea what to do, what if she really wants to get rid of me

It takes a huge amount for a mother to abandon their son/daughter. If you are really scared, try to take responsibility and make it as easy as you can for her! - Jake


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