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no im 15 and my dads buisness is in newham

When you're 16, you will be able to start working, which will mean you'll be able to get some money together - Jake

My ex-boyfriend broke up with me a week ago. He's now dating my best friends sister, Im feeling very suicidal and I don't know what to do.. How can I get over him?

Don't feel suicidal over your ex boyfriend! You can see he doesn't care for you, so you shouldn't care for him! the best way to get over him is by spending time with other guys. Flirt with other guys, spend time with them as much as you can, have fun with them! This will take your mind off your ex! - Jake

my whole place where i live makes me sick all that happens is stabbings revenge stabbings beatings muggings etc they think theyre goons cause they roll in gangs just the other day my mate got beat up ive had enuf of it

Is it possible for you to move away? Are you old enough to move away? Possibly start getting some money together, apply for jobs elsewhere and get away from the area? - Jake

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Okay, I will try :) I convinced him to give me his knife anyway. Thank you, you're a huge help. :) xxx

:) I'm on kik if you need me! Oh and, do you still have that knife? If you do, get rid of it now okay? So it can cause no more harm to anyone, including yourself. Especially if it has been used by someone else. - Jake xx

I mean, it got stuck in his hand by accident, but he purposely pulled it across. And he just said he missed cutting.

There's got to be more of a reason than him just "missing it" People don't do it because they "miss doing it" talk to him about it, have a long conversation. - Jake

But he admitted that he pulled it across on purpose.

You just said it was kinda an accident? Either way, have you spoken to him about why he did it? - Jake

Well as far as I know, nothing major has happened. He said it was kinda an accident, that he was cutting something and it got stuck in is hand, but he pulled it across instead of out.

If he says it's an accident, and it's only one cut, then take his word for it. But if you start to see more cuts, then question him about it okay? - Jake

I self harm, and my boyfriend used to but hasnt for a year until recently. I feel like its my fault that he did it again. Is it?

I don't personally know what's been going on in your lives, tell me more about what's been going on. You can tell me on here, or on kik if you want to keep it between us - Jake

4'11 13 8 stone female

This is borderline healthy weight/overweight. Don't worry though, as you will grow and slim out! - Jake

how do you fix back pain when it hurts to move.your whole body and breath? :'(

Ashlei Allen
There are some drugs such as paracetomol that can help with this, but if it really that bad, you should go see your GP about it, if it is extremely painful - Jake
Liked by: Ashlei Allen

I want to tell my best guy friend I like him, idk how he will react. Its summer, so if I tell him it will be over text message and so I can avoid awkwardness.

If he's your best guy friend, he will understand however he feels about you. Don't be scared okay? - Jake

Part 2 cousin who is gorgeous and a year above me which makes me feel inferior and useless.

Listen to what people say! Just because you cousin is gorgeous, doesn't mean you are! Why don't you ask someone you don't know how you look - Jake

Noone tells me anything they just say I won't understand and treat me differently to everyone else

Why? - Jake

Is it bad that i block out my sneezes

Not the best to, but, it won't seriously harm you all the time - Jake

I can't sleep and I have music rehursels tomorrow

Try lavender, also try keeping any electrical things away from you x

I have been fasting for a year now but all i doen yesterday was eat, i feel so sick

You will feel sick because your body isn't used to having food, now have it feels weird

Schooldays and weekends

Tuesday&Thursday = 6.30
Monday,Wednesday&Friday = 7 - 7:15.a
Anytime, hahaha


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