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yeah, hobbsbrookee

Brooke, i've talked to you a huge amount of times. Just give me a message, you know my kik - Jake

It doesn't though but they keep saying it

Standd up for yourself, fight back with them! Don't let them beat you down! - Jake

They keep saying it though and I really can't be bothered to argue with them

If you don't react to it, they will get bored. They will carry on doing it if they find it offends you! - Jake

I can't attract attention because my mum has had to cope with anorexia in her childhood. And she gets scared that I'll get it. I won't get it. I want to lose as much as I need to be in the healthy weigh space

If you tell your mum, she will MAKE SURE you are a healthy weight as she won't want you to experience what she went through. - Jake

I'm 8st and 5ft6. Is this because of my hight because I don't think I'm fat. I am starting to believe what people are saying because they say it do often but at the moment I'm a size 0-1 or 6-8 in clothes

8 stone for someone of your height is not fat! Don't listen to what they say! - Jake

16, 7stone 4pounds, 5ft is this normal?

I am presuming by your height you are female, But yes, this is a healthy weight for a female of your height and age - Jake

"does she really like him? Is she all over him? As in, if she got rejected, how upset would she be?" huh she likes other guys too but she'd be really upset I think

If she likes other guys as well, then she wouldn't be as upset as if she ONLY had her heart set on him. Don't worry about it okay? She'll get over him - Jake

I really need to loose weight. I'm 13, female, 5'6 and a half, and weigh around 10 stone 10/11 ishh. Any tips? I can't do anything that'll attract attention from my parents

why can't you do anything that'll attract attention? - Jake

Who's jade. And where's pip

Jade is another admin on a different page, and Pippa is currently offline. - Jake

I go to sleep at 10:30 then I wake up a 3, 4, 6, 7

Okay, well you're getting to sleep at a good time. But you're just an early riser! Try and stay asleep till about 5ish and slowly try and get more and more sleep until you're completely comfortable with how much sleep you're getting, and you're getting a healthy amount -Tai

Everyone says I don't get enough sleep but I think the amount I get is better for me because I feel better the shorter I sleep for

If you're getting less than 6hours then this is quite unhealthy and can actually reduce your iq, and make you a lot weaker. Try and get at least 6 hours -tai

me and my best friend have been best friends for 4 years. lately we've been arguing non-stop we've never fell out, but i feel that its leading to this

Arguments happen a lot in friendships. If you really don't want to fall out then give each other space, you'll then realise how much you miss each other and how much you actually mean to each other -Tai

pt.2. an amusement park and she told me to invite him, bc shes going with her crush. I want to ask him casually to bring some friends, but he already didnt reply to my last message and the last thing i want is to sound annoying. I have a day left and since he barely goes on so i need an answer asap.

R bomb? And you won't sound annoying if you've only sent one message before. Just put to him something like "me and a few friends are going out, do you fancy coming along? You can bring friends" and if he doesn't reply to that then maybe you should leave it for a bit -Tai


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