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right this isnt for me but for my mate, shes 14 5ft3 and 6 stone. please help me prove shes underweight!

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12, female, 8 stone? overweight?? i'm 5'0-5'1. <<

For 5ft you're overweight but for 5'1 you're normal weight xx

im 14 and i really want to finger but when i try to put my finger in my pussy, it hurts

Could be your hymen is blocking your progress or you aren't wet enough (sexually aroused)
Bryony x

my family was pretty well off at that point, so we didn't need it and he thought i didn't need him in my life..

Either way, he should still be paying for you. But well, you should question him why he didn't send ANYTHING, not even a birthday present. - Jake

no he didn't send me anything and we didn't have any contact at all over the years he was gone..

He should have been at least sending money to your family, to help pay for you. - Jake

Basically. I'm a girl. I'm 5'6 and a half, and I weigh about 11 stone. Am I overweight? And tell the truth, don't be all like, your perfect as you are and stuff

How old are you?
Bry x

Have any of you ever had sex? was it awkard? my boyfriend wants to but i don't want it to be awkard. jw what the experience was like for others?

We're all virgins.
If you don't feel ready to have sex then don't, if he really loves you he'll respect that and wait till you're ready.

Pipa are they nixe from that site as I need 2nd opinion on something

I love Teen support!
But the other page is really good too. Send the same question to them both and see who's answer you like best x


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