
Advice And Teen Support

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ok, but what if he ignores me again? i would look stupid.

Then he has no interest in you, then you need to move on - Jake

well, it wasnt nice and i shouldn't of could him a cunt but like i just did because he was being one. i said sorry and he said "cool" jakeeee, i don't know what to say.

Just tell him, EXACTLY how you feel. If you really want him back, you gotta show him, tell him how much you want him back, just to talk to him. Not just saying sorry, really tell him EVERYTHING okay? - Jake

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this person is telling me my girlfriend is going to cheat on me and i know she wouldn't do that but this person is really fucking infuriating and i can't do anything to stop them because they're on anon and everything. i'm so fucking angry

all they're trying to do is make you angry. If YOU know that she won't do it, then don't get angry about it. Just kindly tell the anon to.. Bugger off, don't show that you're angry towards him or he'll carry on doing it - Jake

I want my nose pierced Bry, get your eyebrow thoughhh! (Pippa<3)

I'm going to get my eyebrow done in Friday x
Bry x

J: d'you know any good tips for revising? I have to do a Spanish test tomorrow and I can never remember what I've written

What I do with revision is, I shorten it down into notes (But still giving enough information) and then, read it out loud. And then read it out loud again! This works for me, but not for all people! - Jake

you arent putting names at the end of your questions

I know, I'm tired sorry. If they don't have a name they're most likely me
Bryony x

This is really emarasing but im a girl and my boobs are really soar. I dont know what happening:/

It's normal, it happens to all girls during puberty. It usually means they're growing

B, I think nose but its up to you :) x

I think I'm gonna go with my eyebrow xx
Thank you all for helping me xxx

How many people are you talking to Jake? Girls/boys ?

2 Girls at the moment, and you as well :P so 3 I guess? - Jake

Eyebrow, noses peiced looks like your a bull :L

It wouldn't be the bit in the middle that I got done though so it wouldn't really

I don't know I have been bullied for two years my dad has just decided he don't want me in his life but I likes my brother's I just don't want to feel angry or sad anymore and I want to stop self harming the longest I have gone with out selfharming is two months

Have you got help from like, other family, friends, professionals? That's the best thing to do to help with your emotions and self harming. I'm always on kik as well if you want someone to talk to! - Jake

because i hugged my best friend who's a lad this other lad im talking to was ignoring me because of it and because i called him a cunt? i miss talking to him and he keeps ignoring me now, what shall i do?

Calling him that wasn't very nice was it? He probably felt worthless and thought you had moved on, and now might think you're crawling back? Keep messaging him OCCASIONALLY, but otherwise, best thing to do is to move on I think! - Jake x

at night, because it's really quite i feel like someone's there?

I feel like that sometimes, it's because of what you see/hear on TV, your mind gets reminded of it occasionally! - Jake

How do I no a guys flirting with meh? xxxxxxxxxxx

He'll be giving compliments, maybe making sexual references, be really interested in everything you say, anything to make you feel happy really! - Jake
Liked by: Moa'ath Nasser™

But I don't want to hassle anyone with it but seriously what should I do when im at school

That's the best thing to do though, tell people! Because then you will KNOW what to do at school, people will be telling you at school what to do! - Jake

at the beggining of this year in highschool I liked this guy but didnt tell my friends so one of them ''called dibs'', and I really like him but I cant do/say anything. what should I do?

Why can't you do/say anything? - Jake


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