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Owen and Pippa are perfect, they are so genuine and have hearts of gold-Ellie

Thankyou gorgeous. But Owen can do better.<3

Just say theoretically that I didn't commit. Would I be able to cut? You guys say cutting is bad but is it bad if it is dropping me from dying? I need some sort of pain if I dont commit but...asdfghjk ffs I dont know what to do now

Have you got a hair bobble or an elastic band?
Liked by: Panda

i don't know if he would be leading me on, we don't even no each other or like we're not even from the same country.

He still could manage it, but also (if he's from another country) understand the time differences. (Owen)

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But it will be better for me I will be safe, noone can hurt me. It is my only option now

It's not!!

my best friend is moving school. shes the one that stoned people bullying me, what if it starts again because shes gone... :(

I'm sure that they won't start again because your friend has gone, but if they do just try your best to ignore it and try to stop letting this affect you, they bully because they want a reaction from you and if they get a reaction they'll carry on but if they don't get the reaction they'll stop (Owen)

i have been texting this lad and he's really nice, but we didn't talk much that night. he didn't talk to me for 2 days and today he talked to me again, he hasn't replied to my text since like 9hrs ago. whenever he texts me he makes me smile and stuff, i miss talking to him and i want him to reply?

Then text him again, or just ask him why he's ignoring you, if he keeps doing this I'd advise not to get too attached to him because he could be leading you on (Owen)

what do you Mean I know I want this. I want nothing more

You think you want it, you think it'll make things better. It'll make things worse.

I can't, everytime I breathe it feels like there is a weight pressing down on my lungs, I i move my limbs feel heavy. I can't think because all I want is this.

No, you think you want this.

i wasn't laughing at her, i was just laughing and what she said. calm down there.

Doesn't matter.

do u know the girl that wants to u know, why dont u tell her to use her friends facebook?


No the only thing I deserve is death, I am so sorry pippa, I really am but this is the end i can't go on anymore

You can and you will!

because it sounds like cringy. she goes "it's broken, like me" it's just funny.

You're sick.

I feel guilty talking to U on here because you could be helping people who deserve it but your helping me....

And? You do deserve it!

My Kik is broken I dont have Skype or bbm and my dad monitors all ny Facebook friends :'(:'(:'( im sorry but this so obviously a sign that we shouldn't talk and that I should do it. Its almost as if I am being told to commit and its what I want..... Thanks pippa but....

No, it's not a sign! Talk here then!


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