
Advice And Teen Support

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I am 12 and I feel like I love somebody but I don't want to. I just want to live young. Help

Just because you're in love, doesn't mean you have to go out with that person. Just give it time :) - Jake

I feel that I help people with problems aswell, I was wondering if I could maybe join

We don't need any more admins at the moment, sorry. - Jake

How do I tell a girl I like her when I know she likes somebody else

If you're really nervous going face to face, do it on facebook or skype. And just be 100% honest and forthcoming okay? She will understand - Jake

through so much and i'd miss him so much, i'm just so conufused

Just tell him that you want to be really good friends, still flirt and do whatever you want, but take away the responsibility that you are actually in love with him okay? - Jake

what goods should you eat if you have a low matablism ?

Fruit, such as bananas. They don't have very much fat in, OR many calories, but gives you a high amount of energy! - Jake

Okay, i wont do videos... i dont even feel comfy doing that tbh, but he really wants me too and i have no idea what to say :/

Just say you don't feel comfortable. And if he loved you, he would understand okay? - Jake

Facebook and here. I have deleted and blocked them now but they always seem to find a way to get to me

Keep blocking them. They won't make fake accounts just to do that. We're always here for a chat - Jake

like over skype or something? Do you think i should? Im not sure i want to though, i just find that kinda weird... idk

Like I said, pictures and videos aren't really needed are they? Just have to remember what could happen to them. - Jake

okay so my boyfriend and i have been dating for 3 months but long distance im in the uk he is in australia and we' have been skyping and doing some sexual things on cam but like only little and he wants me to do videos and pictures...help?

If you two do stuff on skype on Cam, why does he need pictures and videos? It's your decision, but I wouldn't recommend it. Remember the dangers of sending out pictures and videos. - Jake

My boyfriend wants me to send a video of me stripping and fingering myself.. what do i do

I wouldn't recommend sending videos. If you really want to show him. Do it face to face, but over the internet? You don't know what could happen to that video. It could be kept forever. - Jake

Well I get bullied, and they keep messaging me. I just hate my life

How do they keep messaging you? what website? or is it by text? - Jake

well like what do depressed people think? :(

A lot of depressed people hate themselves, hate life, and are generally just negative about everything that happens. But like I said, it affects people in different ways. - Jake

You really dont want to meet her!!! Quit while youre wimning Xxxx♥♡♥

Confused nowww :L - Jake xxx


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