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Why does my bf get hard when I sit on his lap and kiss him? I get nervous

It obviously turns him on, if it makes you feel uncomfortable you should talk to him about it -Tai

I heard somewhere to limit my daily calorie intake from 300-800 and then I would loose loads of weight

People on diets, normally go for a calorie intake of 1200-1500, depending on how much of a diet it is. You still need enough food to keep your body and your metabolism going. - Jake

hi im a boy 15 years old how do i know that i like a girl?

You will feel attracted to her, you'll want to talk to her a lot, spend more time with her, and flirt with her. And generally, just enjoy being in her company - Jake

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people have started doing things to me more often, people have started hurting me and giving me things and im scared to leave my room xxxx

Sophiee, you know im always here for a chat okay? I'll do anything I can to help you! - Jake xxx

if i wank and my cum is clear wot does tht maen ?

It doesn't mean anything, the colour of the semen can change - Jake

bry, one person you would like back in your life who you have recently lost?

Well there's this guy who I was best friends with last year. We were practically inseparable. Now we barely talk. He's there when I need him the most, like the other day he stopped me from doing something really stupid, but other than that we barely talk at all since he became really popular. So there's him. Or there's my friend who moved to Japan last year
Bry xxx

I'm eating less than 1000 calories a day, how can I make sure I get the nutrients I need

Eat! That's not nearly enough calories! -Tai

tai, one person you would like back in your life who you have recently lost?

Hmm, that's a hard one. I haven't recently lost anyone but I suppose my dad -Tai

Best ways to cure hangovers? Other than water and bread?

Orange juice, coffe, paracetamol and sleep! -Tai

what does it mean when a girl starts messaging me alot and being around me 24/7 sticks my me all the timeat school and now that i walk her to evey class does it mean i like her?

Could mean she likes you, the best way to find out is to ask her -Tai

I'm a 15 year old boy, how do I realise what signals girls give to show that they like me because my best friends starts messaging me alot, being with each other all the time at school most of the times alone and I occasionally walk her to every class

Sounds like she likes you. Girls will usually either be really subtle and just talk to you more, and be with you more. Or they'll be insanely flirty -Tai
Liked by: Jayden shankar

Is it normal if i am 17 years old and have a relationship with 38 years old?

Well love is love, and age is just a number. But make sure you're safe okay -Tai

Pippa how can you be in a relationship with a 17yr old that :/ do your parents know hope he treats you well

I love him? He loves me? That's how. And thankyou, he does. My parents do know, as do his x

what is glandular fever because I had to have a blood test to see if I have it but I have no clue what it is:s

Glandular fever is a type of viral infection that mostly affects young adults.
Common symptoms of glandular fever include:
a high temperature (fever) of 38ºC (100.4ºF) or above
sore throat
swollen nodes (glands) in the neck
fatigue (extreme tiredness)
Glandular fever is not usually a serious threat to a person's health, but can be unpleasant and last several weeks.

I've got to go to a funeral tommorow and its scaring me, I hate seeing people cry and I hate crying and i know both plus going to happen

I imagine so, you don't have to go?

pippa i saw that you said noone to dying but not saying for friend... if you want them back why dont you just message them or better yet go see them in person and say you miss them?

They live in the other half of the world. I can't see them, and I won't talk to them. Something happened.

jake, one person you would like back in your life who you have recently lost?

Hmmm, I'm not sure, I haven't lost anyone recently! - Jake

I want to die because of bullies, anxiety, depression, selfhate, selfharming, insults, crying, pretending I'm okay, faking smiles. Tonight, is the night.

Tonight, is NOT the night. You have so much to live for! Your family and friends, your future job, your future husband/wife.
You can be strong!
Liked by: Jack You're a W⚓

How do I tell my bestfriend and ex-boyfriend that I'm pregnant? I'm only 15 and I'm 13 weeks gone! HELP!

ex- I think you should tell him. I had sort of a similar situation. I found I was pregnant and immediate told my SO who did a total 360 and said some pretty harsh things to me and I told him to lose my number. I nearly cried every night and didn't have any close friends worth confiding in so I just suffered until I mustered up the strength to tell him about himself via text. We argued back and forth which helped me realized that I could do this alone. I stopped texting him and ignored any texts that he sent. About three weeks later, he had a change of heart and now he's more excited about the baby than I am. In short, things can only get better with or without him so do mention it. If he comes around, great, if not, his loss...good luck with everything. taken from http://www.babycenter.com/400_how-should-i-tell-him-im-pregnant-with-his-baby_9591975_332.bc
Best friend - I think the easiest thing for you is to just tell her, flat out. The longer you keep it to yourself, she may get upset thinking you were trying to hide it from her (let's face it, she will find out eventually) so it would probably be best for everyone involved if you just spill the news. taken from http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100414083634AATN2su (Owen)

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