
Advice And Teen Support

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Do you think it's alright for me to be with an 18 yr old when I'm 14??

I'm 14 and in a relationship with a 17 (almost 18) year old. So yes!

im 13 and i want to toss my boyfriend off,is that wrong? x its not illegal??

I personally don't see a problem, just think if there's any consequences. And no, it's not illegal x

i dont think i can any more :( ive not eaten in 3 days, i dont even feel hungry. ive had 2 hours sleep in 2 days :'( my life is just falling apart xxx


fake smiles hurt but they show how strong you really are, you smile through it and no one will know the pain you go through inside. every cut, scar and every bruise tells a story of pain and suffering. The starvation shows the lost hope. everyday is a struggle and one day we will give up trying xx


pippa, one person you would like back in your life who you have recently lost?

Dying wise- don't have anyone.
Friend wise - not saying.

Because I want to die. And I want it over and done with quickly

Why do you feel you want to die?

owen, one person you would like back in your life who you have recently lost?

Uhh if you're on about lost contact with then I don't really have one specific person, it's all of the people I used to talk to that I just don't talk to anymore. if you're talking about who died well I don't have anyone really. (Owen)

What is your dp bcos there is two bryonyweetch's

Both are me. My First account gig hacked but then I got it sorted and went back to the first one. It's the one where I'm holding a monkey. The one that doesn't have 123 at the end

What will kill me faster? Overdosing, drinking bleach, hanging myself or cutting too deep?

And why would I tell you that?

Somebody said to me 'Go to the boob factory' , but I'm not really sure what they meant <3

They could mean you either need bigger or small boobs<3

sorry and i havent got anything to life for, i have cuts and bruises all over my body, people think im attention seeking but im not! i dont want the attention :'( people want be to kill myself and people have almost killed me before! theres no point staying xxx

There's every point staying, you're worthful, beautiful, amazing and just perfect.
No matter what happens in your life you need to stay strong. Find an inspiration to be strong for xxx

But its hard when i get told everyday

I imagine so, but you need to believe you're perfect x

I keep on getting told that i dont deserve to be in this family and i should just leave. Im ugly and fat. There right but it still hurts

You do! You're not fat or ugly though! You're perfect the way you are. Don't believe it x

Ive got my blade here but i dont want to use it i just cant help my self?

Why do you want to cut honey?


Language: English