
Advice And Teen Support

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i dont have friends no one would care.

People would care. People always care. Everyone would care. It would affect everyone!

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im over dosing tomorrow no one is changing my mind i want to kill myself or atleast make myself really sick

Hun please don't kill yourself. Look the other day I felt the same way. I keep sleeping tablets by the side of my bed and I was going to take them all because I felt that nobody would care and I felt I didn't deserve to live. But my friend managed to convince me not to. He made me realise that actually people do care about me and do love me and would care of I died. And it's the same for you. People love you! You may not know that but it's true. And think about what would happen if you killed yourself. How people would react. Every single person who knew you, none of them would ever be the same. Everyone would blame themselves and they'd end up harming themselves, depressed or even killing themselves. Don't just think about yourself, think about what others would be like.
Bry xxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Эvelina*

jake i dunno how to add people on kik :/

Once you're on the screen with all of your chats (Like the home screen) press the bubble at the top right of the screen. and it should say, Name Or Kik Username. Type in the persons kik username, for example mine would be Catman_Jake, then press on the "Find Username" and it should show up with that person. Press on that person, talk to them, the application automatically adds it as soon as you've said something - Jake
Liked by: Эvelina*

Jake you flirt with everyone?

No, I don't. Just because I said I was talking to 4 girls. Remember I do offer my kik to anyone who needs advice. That doesn't mean im flirting with 4 girls.. Silly anons. -_- - Jake

What your flirting with a girl now?

Not currently at this precise moment, because I am answering questions. Plus, this is my personal life. - Jake

Hav you been flirting with any of the girls your to what have you said?

With one of them. The other 3, im just having a general conversation with. I couldn't flirt with a huge amount of girls at once. - Jake

Ok so i like this girl and she likes me back but we haven't talked about our feelings for each other for about a week and I don't know where its going?..

Just give her a message, start to flirt with her again, ya know, compliments. And eventually, you will get round to the point of, feelings for each other. - Jake

Are you chatting to any girls jake? I like this girl but I dot know how to talk to her to get her to like me

currently im talking to... 4 girls on kik :P But well, flirt with the girl! that's the best thing to do. Talk to the girl a lot. LOADS of compliments, even if they say like.. Noo I'm not pretty, just have some friendly banter with them :) But yeah, compliments is the best, because you're not going to be lieing if you like the girl! That's what you'll likely think of them. And they will start to flirt back with you. also, winking faces, but don't over use them though. And eventually the path will open up, and you carry on the conversation, some sexual remarks (Friendly, joking ones) may be made. Hope this helps - Jake

If I used a strap on with my girlfriend and broke her hymem, would I have her virginity?

It's kind of a matter of opinion when it comes to this kind of thing but yes I think it does count as losing your virginity because it is sex
Bryony xxx

Bry; If I was to get fingered and my hymen broke, does that mean I loose my virginity to the person who fingered me?

Technically, I don't think it would but some people consider it to. But I don't think it actually counts as losing your virginity unless you have sex because there are other ways to break a hymen
Bryony xx

i'm 5"3' how much should i weigh? like i had a look online but it all seems too much, so i want your personal opinion (any of you, just make it personal, you know?) on how much a girl my height should weigh please

How old are you? - Jake x

i dunno what to do anymore people call me fat and ugly and a slut and bitch and skank i just dunno what to do i give up and the person i love dont love me back i just wanna die :'(

Pierce The Sleeping Horizon
Do you wanna talk about this more privately on kik? - Jake

Jake; describe your perfect girl (looks&personality)

Brown or blonde hair long hair, one that looks pretty, but not too like slutty ya know! Has to be able to take banter, be kind, funny, caring, and loves to cuddle up to me and watch movies in bed! - Jake

Pippa I think you're going to be a really good mum one day:)

Awh, this has just made my heart melt:').
Why do you think this sweetie?
Liked by: Hollie Adams


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