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sorry to sound dumb but can you get pregnant from fingering yourself?

Not unless you have sperm on your fingers, no -Tai

ill try to i just get really scared to in case anyone finds out. i know that they wont though. i dunno haha. i feel really suicidal :( i got home and my parents went out and i got given something with a note through my door :( xxx

Talk to me about this on kik - Jake <3

Could you give me a list of ways to speed up my metabolism?

Do more exercise, eat at the proper times a good well balanced meal. And drink plenty of water. - Jake

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I have E size boobs and I'm 14. I play with my clit a lot and it feels soo good. I've used vibrators on it before but I'm scared to actually finger myself, help:(

There's nothing to be worried about, lots of people do it. But you don't have to if you don't want to -Tai

how do i get over my crush? its been 7months and i cant get him out of my head.

Flirt with new guys, spend time with them, should help - Jake

Not even in 2 weeks? I really need to lose it :/ I feel really self conscious and we have this thing at school in a few weeks and I can't go looking like I do

If you lost morethan a stone as a teenager (unless you weigh and excessive amount of weight) it is not possible, and it would look horrible tbh - Jake

Yeah I'm sure, I don't really want any help, I'll feel like all the controls being taken from me again

We won't control you, we will guide you as much as we can! - Jake

heya i put you in my bio :) i didnt go on the website last night i just couldnt sorry :( xxx

Hey Sophie, you should have a look whenever you can okay? It may help you, no harm looking - Jake xxxx

hey can i just say this website is really good and everything but for proffesional help which is anon the child line is a great website for a 1-2-1 chat with a counciller is really good for more serious problems please just try it <3

Hey, thanks for letting everyone know :) - Jake

How can I lose a stone+ in a few days - or max 2 weeks?

Not really possible. Your body would look horrible if you lost that much weight, you would prefer to keep it on rather than lose that much that quickly - Jake

jake, could i pop up to you on kik just for a chat? x

Yeah sure, my kik is in the bio - Jake x

I self harm (I'm fine though, I don't need help with that) but I was wondering how come there's people like me, and then it's like everyone else, when they get a little scrape or something they totally freak out?

Some people are more sensitive than others, everyone is different, you sure you don't need help? - Jake

Thank you for those who shared the link around about the missing girl Georgia Williams. She has been found but sadly she wasn't found safe she was murdered. I hope the 22 year old who did it rots in hell. But thank you for sharing the link to aware people she was missing. R.I.P Georgia xoxox

I'm sorry to hear about her loss. May she rest in peace. - Jake

Thoughts on me? :3 (Sent to everyone I follow)

Don't really know you, you seem nice though :) - Jake

what is the best way to loose stomach fat?

Go to the gym, concentrate on exercises that put pressure on your stomach muscles - Jake

I can't stop watching porn everyday (boy)

Possibly an addiction, you will need to try and break this addiction or it will affect your life. - Jake

it doesn't though I have done it before just ate like an apple or a piece of toast a day for about a month and I lost weight but im still not happy so im doing it again but idk if I should because cant they make you gain weight?

Long term it does! It slows down your matabolism, you will lose wieght at first but then you will gain it back so quickly. An apple and a piece of toast is not enough, its going to make you ill. If you're qorried about weight gain than do exercise and snack on and eat healither food -Tai

i feel so fat! i want to get on a diet but it's so hard because i'm always so hungry! please help :"( *munches a piece of cookie* :(

There are loads of healthy snacks out there that you can nibble on when you're hungry! But its not all about about the dieting, try doing some exercise too -Tai

I've been masturbate continuously over the same guy. I'm using pillow and i really don't know how to get over it. I feel i'm useless.

You're not useless! Its completely normal, if you want to get over him then talk to other guys, flirt a little and you might even end up liking someone else. If you want to get with him then talk to him! Tai

Ma boobs is getting bigger like faster. Even my friend (boy) noticed about it. What happens to me? Or my hormone (woman) is so to me.

Its perfectly normal, its just you having a growth spurt. Your homones might change a bit, like when you're on your period, but not for long -Tai

I just ate a meal and eel really ill...my mum made me eat because we wnt out now iom at home agan should I make my self sick?

Making youself sick isn't very good for you, if your body has to get rid of what you've eaten it will do that, drink little sips of water, and I find lemonade is good for settling the stomach -Tai

im really unhappy about my weight I have being eating a lot less like a few things a day not a meal just picking at foods should I take vitamin tablets and supplaments though? im a 16 year old girl btw

Eating a lot less, believe it or not, actually causes more weight gain as it slows down your matabolism. The most effective way is grazing throughout the day and healthy snacks and small meals, making sure you get the right amount of calories. You can also do exercises, mainly cardio, that will help you lose weight. Its up to you whether you take vitamins and supplaments, I reccomend it as they're very good for you -Tai
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