
Advice And Teen Support

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i dont understand what people use to cut? like what blades would they even use that are sharp enough to cut deep?

A range of things. I can't go into detail though

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If you're male, rubbing and even touching the gerf of your penis will get you excited. Those two should get you horny if you're male. If you're female, you'll have to ask tomorrow when a female admin is online sorry - Jake

Jake what do you look like?!:) x

I have a picture on kik, my kik is in the bio, give me a message if you want - Jake x

nope not been to the gym because it costs way too much (£20 a week) sooo not an option but i do do stuff in the house, what sorta stuff should i be doing? thanks

Look around, there are some gyms that do it for £30 a month or so. I'm not entirely sure of what exercises, but you could use weights and lift them in front of you, (straight out) and move them away from each other to your sides and back (this is lifting them at shoulder height or so) that's one exercise. Not sure of others - Jake

okay i got man boobs (lol everyone laugh now) anyway i want rid of them but i tried like everything exept surgery, what can i do? Thanks

The gym. I know you will probably say, yeah I've done that. But have you done exercises focused on your torso? That is how you're going to get rid of the man boobs. - Jake

Do you just move your fingers around on your vagina Give me full details please I want to know x

Can you send a link to the previous question please? I foot understand I'm sorry - Jake

I'm constantly ill, tired, depressed, never Hungry an I self harm i don't know what to do:( x

Recommend seeing a doctor, this is going to get serious if you don't start to do these essential things. Get yourself down there as soon as you can okay? - Jake x

awwh okay, will ask around and come back to you later on :) xx

I'm here for another 20 mins if you need help :) - Jake Xx

How can I tell my mum I think I have depression, my mum has ms and get really worried easily I just want a way to tell her without her getting all panicked?

If you want to do it without her panicking. Say what has been happening. But instead of saying I'm depressed. Help. Say something similar to, I've recently felt more down and depressed and I want to get this sorted before it gets bad, whether that's true or not I don't know, but it'll stop her worrying and will get it sorted okay? - Jake

Want me to answer this one Bry? Or you? I have the page covered till about 1 ish if ya wanna sleep - Jake

Advice And Teen Support
If you don't mind can you manage for the night? I've had a horrible evening and I need to rest x


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